Saturday 5 December 2020

It May Not Be The Mark Of The Beast Just Yet, But The Coming ‘Messenger 33’ COVID-19 Vaccine Will Absolutely Control Your Buying And Selling


New post on Now The End Begins

It May Not Be The Mark Of The Beast Just Yet, But The Coming ‘Messenger 33’ COVID-19 Vaccine Will Absolutely Control Your Buying And Selling

by Geoffrey Grider


Government won’t force you to take the Messenger 33 COVID-19 vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without it.

On today's edition of our Prophecy News Podcast, we pulled the cover back on the about-to-be-released mRNA COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, and explained to you why it should more accurately be called the Messenger 33 vaccine. If you haven't listened to it yet, you can access it here in the archives. The Messenger 33 COVID vaccine may not (yet) be the Mark of the Beast, but guess what? It will still control your ability to buy and sell as we will show you here in this article today.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)

We showed you yesterday how in the UK they are saying the 'vaccine won't be mandatory', but the immunity passport absolutely will be. So what you will have is a 'not mandatory' mandatory Messenger 33 vaccine, because it will be the only way to get the immunity passport. That's how the snow blows. In Israel, they are also saying that the vaccine 'won't be mandatory', but that the economic and social pressures that will be applied will, in effect, persuasively motivate you to receive the Messenger 33 COVID vaccine. Commentators are even using the very words of 'buying and selling', exactly how the Lord tells us it will be in Revelation 13.

Rightly dividing teaches us that there will be no Mark of the Beast until after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church takes place, and Antichrist rolls it out. But guess what? Antichrist will roll it out into a system that already exists, to a people already conditioned to receive a vaccine in order to 'buy and sell'. Open up your notebook and write down 'Messenger 33', remember what it means and where it leads. If you don't want to go down that path, and I do mean down, then don't take it. I won't. Messenger 33, yeah, write that down.


'We won't force vaccine; but here's what we will do'

FROM ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS: Although Health Ministry Director Hezy Levy yesterday insisted to reporters that "we won't force people to take a vaccine. Israeli law doesn't allow for it," speaking before the Special Knesset Coronavirus Committee chaired by MK Yifat Shasha-Biton, Sheba Medical Center Chief Medical Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Eyal Zimlichman listed measures that are being planned to "maneuver" the population into vaccinating as a way of regaining freedom of movement.

Government won’t force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine.

— Cerno (@Cernovich) November 19, 2020

The issue of how to "motivate" vaccine compliance has generated increasing interest, with commentators such as Mike Cernovich writing: "Government won’t force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine."

As if underscoring Cernovich's words, Dr. Zimlichman told the committee: "Another thing that will apparently come into our lives, starting in small numbers already in January which is soon, and that's the vaccine.

"If we're discussing how to create motivation for Israeli citizens to vaccinate, I agree, you can't force the population; it won't work. We can talk about it until tomorrow, it won't work. What is possible is to create motivation. Whoever is vaccinated will automatically receive 'green status'. Therefore, you may vaccinate, and receive Green Status to go freely in all the green zones: They'll open for you cultural events, they'll open to you the shopping malls, hotels, and restaurants.

"You may decide you're not vaccinating, and if you do want to enter these areas you'll need to submit to a PCR test, and therefore I believe people will understand by themselves that the vaccine will return them to regular life and they'll vaccinate themselves, without our obligating them.

"But the idea we're putting out is actually something that's starting already now, and we're floating an initial pilot we're testing and are ready to start with, based on the PCR and based on antigen, assuming it will be authored by the Health Ministry, we're in the process with the Ministry, and of course serology, and very quickly, already from January to add the vaccines - whoever is vaccinated may enter those green areas, that 'safe zone'.

"Assuming we're discussing a protracted period when part of the population will be vaccinated and part won't, for a year even, we see those areas growing in size, and those people who are vaccinated receive the pass to enter those green areas in the cities from the south to the north of the country." READ MORE

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