Thursday 17 December 2020

SIT ON SATAN'S LAP FOR A FIVER - The Antlion Entertainment Art Collective In Albuquerque Hosting A ‘Sit On Satan’s Lap’ COVID-19 Fundraiser Mocking God And Power Of Prayer


New post on Now The End Begins

The Antlion Entertainment Art Collective In Albuquerque Hosting A ‘Sit On Satan’s Lap’ COVID-19 Fundraiser Mocking God And Power Of Prayer

by Geoffrey Grider


Come  safely sit on Satan's lap, December 19th, 2:00 PM at the UNM Johnson Center field in Albuquerque, New Mexico and tell him what you want for Xmas (from behind a safety  barrier while wearing masks), get a picture, and donate $6.66 to a good cause.

Since 'Santa' is an anagram of the word 'satan', and considering the spirit of Antichrist that has risen across America and around the world in 2020, I think it is perfectly fitting for an art collective in New Mexico to host a COVID fundraiser entitled 'Sit On Satan's Lap'. Santa is not functionally very different from Satan, they both mock God and pretend to be Him.

"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." Isaiah 14:13-15 (KJB)

This is where we are, folks, this is what the front lines of the end times looks like, it's not pretty. And as bad as 2020 has been so far, 2021 is going to be way worse as the darkness so rapidly envelopes our world. The good news is, for those of us who are saved, we are getting out of here on Flight #777, and for those of you who are lost, I would advise you either get saved right now, or go sit on Satan's lap because if you're left behind, that's exactly where you're going to be for the next 7 years. And that's the gospel truth.

"... but this is your hour, and the power of darkness." Luke 22:53 (KJB)

‘Sit on Satan’s Lap’ New Mexico fundraiser draws ire

FROM THE NY POST: The Albuquerque art group, Antlion Entertainment Art Collective, was originally supposed to be “Sit on Santa’s Lap” but, due to a typo, turned into Sit on Satan’s Lap.

“There was actually a typo, a clerical error and I just kind of rolled with it because everyone needs the money, money is tight right now,” an anonymous artist behind the fundraiser told local news station KRQE. The artist now wants to be referred to as “Satan” although it is unclear if it is his lap people will be sitting on.

The event is scheduled to take place at the University of New Mexico’s Johnson Field on Dec. 19 and costs $6.66 to attend.

“They’re hosting an event where I will be behind a barrier with only my knee exposed and so children can sit on my lap and get what they want for Christmas because Santa is hiding out like a coward and I’m willing to step up to the plate,” “Satan” told the station.

On the site, the fundraiser notes:

“How many people have been saved by prayer? Zero. How many have been saved by wearing a mask? 130,000!

God: 0.

A little piece of cloth: 130,000.

The numbers don’t lie!

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