Monday 7 December 2020

Israeli First Strikes Have Made Our World Safer


Israeli First Strikes Have Made Our World Safer
As this year commemorated the 75th year of the Holocaust, the Jewish state has a moral and ethical mandate to prevent such a tragedy from ever repeating itself--this would involve the hypothetical violation of international law to prevent Iran from carrying out its goal of eradicating the "Zionist tumor from the map."

Parents Lose Custody Of Child For Refusing To Allow Transgender Change
An Australian magistrate has ordered that a gender-confused teenage girl be removed from her home after the magistrate called the parents' refusal to allow her to 'transition' into a boy "abusive."

Iran's Mullahs Want the Nuclear Deal, So Does Biden
Both the ayatollahs and Biden, it appears, want to resurrect the dangerous nuclear deal. It would not only empower Iran's predatory proclivities and terrorist groups, but also provide a glide path for Iran to obtain its long yearned-for nuclear bomb.
The Government May Not Make Covid Vaccinations Mandatory But Your Employer Might
A COVID vaccine is not even available yet, but the mainstream media is already full of stories about whether or not it is legal for employers to fire employees that refuse to take it.

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