Friday 11 December 2020

End Times Heretic Paula White Is Keynote Speaker at Unification Cult Church ‘Rally Of Hope’ Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Of The One World Religion


New post on Now The End Begins

End Times Heretic Paula White Is Keynote Speaker at Unification Cult Church ‘Rally Of Hope’ Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Of The One World Religion

by Geoffrey Grider


Mother Moon is a billionaire who richly rewards high-profile figures like Paula White to speak at her events. Her late husband, Sun Myung Moon, who has been burning in Hell since 2012, literally had himself crowned in a blasphemous ceremony calling him the 'king of peace' back in 2004.

I cannot say this strongly enough, Paula White is no longer simply a Laodicean heretic, Paula White has now revealed herself to be actively working to build the One World Religion we see in the book of Revelation. This is not simply wrong teaching, or false teaching, this is a doctrine of devils and it is being promoted by the woman who is the spiritual advisor to the leader of the most-powerful nation on the face of this earth. Paula White was the keynote speaker for a woman who calls herself the 'Mother of Peace', Hak Ja Han Moon, the widow of Unification Church founder the late Sun Myung Moon.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;" 1 Timothy 4:1,2 (KJB)

When you go to the web site for the Unification Church 'Rally Of Hope' it shows you a living illustration of the coming One World Religion, and along with heretic Paula White we see various Charismatics, Roman Catholic priests and bishops, and Greek Orthodox filling out this rogue's gallery of liars, deceivers and heretics. Being 'lukewarm' is the least of their problem, they're not lukewarm at all. They are on fire to bring out prophecy related to the end times deception. This type of thing is exactly what Pope Francis has been building with Chrislam over at the Vatican, it is all connected.

UAE to open synagogue, part of Chrislam interfaith compound, in 2022


Based on all these things, I can no longer think or believe that Paula White is saved, this is not Laodicean, this is satanic. The Unification Church and 'Mother Moon' believe that they are anointed to bring peace into the world after 'Jesus Christ failed' to bring it in at His first coming. Blasphemy! Mother Moon teaches that anyone who does not acknowledge her as the 'holy vessel of the Lord' cannot be saved, this is the level of satanic deception this is happening on. So by definition, Paula White has acknowledged Mother Moon as the incarnate Christ, because that is what the Unification Church teaches.

Oh, one more thing, Mother Moon is a billionaire who richly rewards high-profile figures like Paula White to speak at her events. Her late husband, Sun Myung Moon, who has been burning in Hell since 2012, literally had himself crowned in a blasphemous ceremony calling him the 'king of peace' back in 2004. Pray for the salvation of Paula White, she sure does need it. And maybe now you understand why I don't think Donald Trump is saved, with her as your 'spiritual advisor', how could you be? A Christian could never, under any circumstances, participate in such a blasphemous event like the 'Rally of Hope', these people having rejected Jesus Christ, have no hope at all.

Watch Heretic Paula White Praying A 'Blessing Of Gather' Over Cult Leader Mother Moon

We have been reporting on the Laodicean heresy of Paula White for years now, but she has reached an incredible new low. In this video, Paula is a keynote speaker for the godless cult of the Unification Church, and prays a "blessing of gather' over cult leader Mother Moon. Watch the video and see for yourself. 

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