Monday 9 November 2020

Top Israeli Minister Warns Biden Policy On Iran Could Lead To War


Top Israeli Minister Warns Biden Policy On Iran Could Lead To War
Minister of Settlement Affairs Tzahi Hanegbi is warning that if President Biden were to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, it could ultimately precipitate an Israeli-Iranian war because "we will be forced to take action."
The Top Three Telltale Signs Of The End Times
Presently, there exists a flurry of telltale signs that indicate the Final Biblical Prophecies are about to find their fulfillment. This article covers what seem to be the top three.

Transcending Politics: God Will Have The Last Laugh
What if our worst fears are realized? What if years of pro-life progress are undone? What if our religious liberties are really attacked? What if the nation lurches towards an anti-God socialism? What if our policies prove disastrous for Israel and the Middle East?

Poking God In The Eye: Kamala Harris Vows To Fund Israel's Enemies
Kamala Harris has explicitly stated that she is committed to creating a Palestinian state inside the borders of Israel with its capital in Jerusalem while limiting the number of Jews permitted to live in Judea and Samaria.

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