Sunday 15 November 2020

This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories From PNW


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This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories
The Top Three Telltale Signs Of The End Times
Presently, there exists a flurry of telltale signs that indicate the Final Biblical Prophecies are about to find their fulfillment. This article covers what seem to be the top three.

Scary: Leftists Creating Blacklist For Trump Supporters
The Trump Accountability Project, endorsed by AOC, is reportedly attempting to create a detailed database of anyone who has supported President Trump during his 4 years in office and hold them "accountable" including anyone who currently questions the legitimacy of the election vote.

Christian Zionists Fear A Biden Presidency Will Divide Israel
Once you understand the consequences for dividing the land of Israel, you will never look at foreign policy the same way again.
Poking God In The Eye: Kamala Harris Vows To Fund Israel's Enemies
Kamala Harris has explicitly stated that she is committed to creating a Palestinian state inside the borders of Israel with its capital in Jerusalem while limiting the number of Jews permitted to live in Judea and Samaria.

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