Saturday, 5 October 2019

78-Year Old Bernie Sanders Campaign All But Over As It’s Revealed That He Suffered A Heart Attack On Tuesday, Needed 2 Stent Implants To Save Life

New post on Now The End Begins

78-Year Old Bernie Sanders Campaign All But Over As It’s Revealed That He Suffered A Heart Attack On Tuesday, Needed 2 Stent Implants To Save Life

by Geoffrey Grider

Bernie Sanders had a heart attack this week, campaign says

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was hospitalized Tuesday and treated for what his 2020 presidential campaign said was a blockage in one artery, had a heart attack, according to a statement his campaign issued Friday quoting his treating physicians.

Bernie Sanders, who back in 1972 wrote an essay on gender whose subject was "she fantasizes being raped by 3 men" has indeed suffered a heart attack, his campaign spox revealed today. Sanders may be off life support, but his campaign for the Democratic 2020 presidential nomination just went on it. At nearly 80 and looking like the ghost of Christmas past, Bernie Sanders best campaign days are certainly behind him.
Joe Biden is also waning as the spotlight on Ukraine intensifies, as he watches his fundraising dry up. All but one of the rest of the pack have lapsed into obscurity, except for 'Pocahontas' Elizabeth Warren who is looking more and more like the one who will get the nomination. None of the Democratic candidates are capable of beating Trump, which is why the Democratic-controlled Congress is trying to impeach him. It truly is the only way they can win.

Bernie Sanders had a heart attack this week, campaign says

FROM NBC NEWS: Bernie Sanders, 78, was diagnosed with a “myocardial infarction,” the medical term for heart attack, the physicians said. Sanders was discharged from a Las Vegas hospital Friday. The Vermont senator was on a campaign stop in Nevada when he felt ill and was soon transferred to Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center, according to his campaign and physicians.
"The Senator was stable upon arrival and taken immediately to the cardiac catheterization laboratory, at which time two stents were placed in a blocked coronary artery in a timely fashion," according to the doctors' statement Friday. "All other arteries were normal."
He's subject to follow-up checkups, they said. "After two and a half days in the hospital, I feel great, and after taking a short time off, I look forward to getting back to work," Sanders said in a statement Friday. READ MORE

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