Wednesday 23 June 2021

Stunning Discovery In The World Of Biblical Archaeology Shows Hittite Stone Carvings Revealing An Underworld Below The Surface Of Our Earth


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Stunning Discovery In The World Of Biblical Archaeology Shows Hittite Stone Carvings Revealing An Underworld Below The Surface Of Our Earth

by Geoffrey Grider


Archaeological excavations at the Yazılıkaya Rock Temple of the ancient Hittites in Turkey, which began almost 200 years ago, revealed an ancient calendar and a map of an underworld sitting under our feet.

In the Bible, the Hittites were one of the many peoples and nations that God told Joshua He would give into the hands of Israel, as part of His land grant promise to Abraham back in the book of Genesis. Today comes the incredible news that is rocking the world of biblical archaeology of ancient stone carvings made by the Hittites, that shows a bustling and terrifying underworld lurking just under our feet. Just as the Bible declares the location of Hell to be.

"Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Joshua 1:1-5 (KJB)

For the past 200 years, biblical archaeologists have studied to decipher the meaning of these incredible stone carvings that date back over 3,200 years, so accurate that they correctly show the moon phases as well as any telescope we have here in 2021. The Hittites wanted people to know that there was a world underneath our world, which is absolutely true. But sadly, the Hittites worship many gods which are no gods, that served only to put them in the very place their stone carvings warn us about. Don't be a Hittite, trust Jesus Christ and avoid the very real underworld completely.


Stunning Hittite archaeological find: Is there really an 'underworld' under the earth? Yep!

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: The paintings in the strange stone carvings, which were probably made about 3,200 years ago, include details of an "underworld" sitting beneath the earth. In the temple, discovered by French archaeologist and historian Charles Texier as early as 1834, limestone carvings depicting more than 90 different figures, including animals, monsters and gods, have been found.

It took almost 200 years to decipher the paintings, but researchers have determined that the representations are of a cosmos that includes the Earth, the sky and the "underworld" that show the vitality of the creation myth.

“They had a certain image of how creation happened,” says Zangger. He says the Hittites imagined that the world began in chaos, which became organised into three levels: “the underworld, and then the earth on which we walk, and then the sky”.

hell-underworld-yazilikaya-rock-temple-luwian-studies-hittites-ancient-world-israel-middle-east-biblical-archaeology-jesus-saves3200-year-old Hittite shrine in Turkey may be an ancient view of the cosmos

On one wall there are drawings of the goddess of the sun and the goddess of the storm, where one can see that gods were placed in the painting higher than the other figures. In contrast, on the eastern and western walls of the temple one can see the lesser people, the phases of the moon and the seasons, signifying "cycles and rebirth," according to the researchers.

According to estimates, scholars estimate that in those days there were about 17 deities, each with a line marking between the gods. Also, in one of the rooms of the temple was a painting dedicated to the "underworld," with testimonies of the god of the sword.

"We believe the temple fully represents a symbolic image of the universe, including its static levels - earth, sky and underworld, as well as the cyclical processes of renewal - day and night or summer and winter," one researcher explained in an interview in an article published in the Journal of Skyscape Archaeology. READ MORE

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