Sunday 11 October 2020

This Weeks Top Four Prophetic Stories From PNW


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This Weeks Top 4 Prophetic Stories
Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?
In order for our system of government to work, people need to be able to believe that their votes will count and that the outcomes of our elections will be fair. But the current process is not going to be good for our nation no matter who ends up winning as both sides prepare to declare the other stole the election. And once faith in our system is gone, it will be nearly impossible to get back.

How A Democrat Victory Will End The Two Party System As We Know It
Grocery stores across the United States are stocking up on products to avoid shortages during a possible second wave of coronavirus and some chains are actually putting together "pandemic pallets" in anticipation of more shortages.

15 Signs Economic Depression Is Accelerating As We Head Toward The Holidays
As the fourth quarter begins, it appears that economic conditions are heading back in the wrong direction again. The following are 15 signs that America's economic depression is accelerating as we head toward the holiday season..
Left Leaning Evangelicals Launch 'Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden'
A group of prominent evangelical leaders has just launched a statement on behalf of a 'movement' they are referring to as 'Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.' The statement calls on evangelicals who oppose the destruction of pre-born babies in the womb to vote for someone who has committed to an expansion of abortion rights unprecedented in American history.

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