Tuesday 31 March 2020

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bought Solar Panels Instead Of Ventilators In 2015, Now Wants To Blame Trump Because His State Is Not Prepared

New post on Now The End Begins

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Bought Solar Panels Instead Of Ventilators In 2015, Now Wants To Blame Trump Because His State Is Not Prepared

by Geoffrey Grider

President Trump on Tuesday assailed Gov. Andrew Cuomo for reportedly declining to buy 16,000 ventilators in 2015 to deal with a potential future pandemic.

President Trump on Tuesday assailed Gov. Andrew Cuomo for reportedly declining to buy 16,000 ventilators in 2015 to deal with a potential future pandemic.

New York governor Andrew Cuomo is not a very good leader of his state, and today's story is an excellent illustration of why he's not. Right now in 2020, the coronavirus is raging through New York, making it the number one spot in America for the most infections and the most deaths. The coronavirus is a respiratory illness, and ventilators are needed like never before right now in New York. But back in 2015, New York when told they would not have enough ventilators should a pandemic hit, instead opted to 'go green' and purchase solar panels instead. Now they are not prepared and Cuomo is saying it's "Trump's fault".
And isn't it ironic that last year, as Gov. Cuomo was beaming from ear to ear after signing the Reproductive Health Act into law, a law that allows for abortion up to the due date, that this year his state is not only not prepared because of his negligence, but deaths from the coronavirus are skyrocketing? Funny, for a man that loves death so much, why is he upset now that his residents are dying?
Enjoy the video at the bottom showing Cuomo stuttering his way through the interview where a reporter calls him out for lying about the number of ventilators that New York needed, saying he didn't have enough when he already had so many he wasn't using them. Maybe if Cuomo had not turned New York into a sanctuary city, overrun by illegal immigrants, he wouldn't be having a lot of these problems right now.

Cuomo Blames The Fed But It's Really His Fault New York Now Needs Ventilators To Fight Coronavirus Infections

FROM THE NY POST: “He had 16,000 ventilators that he could have bought and he didn’t buy them. He should’ve ordered the ventilators,” Trump said during a Fox News town hall. “They can’t blame us for that. Gov. Cuomo is supposed to be buying his own ventilators.” Trump tried to pass a news clipping detailing the assertion along to co-host Bill Hemmer, who declined to accept it, citing social distancing.
The president apparently was referring to a Gateway Pundit pickup of an op-ed that appeared in The Post Friday by former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, who said that in 2015, Cuomo and other state officials learned that in a potential pandemic, New York would need 18,000 ventilators but only had 2,000 on hand.
CUOMO just got BUSTED pic.twitter.com/qHvwOjD0Kv
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) March 30, 2020
Then-state health commissioner Howard Zucker assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had that recommended that the state not purchase the 16,000 ventilators because there weren’t enough doctors and medical personnel to operate them.
Instead, the task force devised a classification system to prioritize which patients would be treated on a ventilator.
“Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other ­patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), ­depending on a ‘triage officer’s’ decision. In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor,” McCaughey wrote.
The president referred to them as “death panels” during the town hall.
Cuomo earlier Tuesday ripped the federal government for not providing badly needed ventilators to help the state deal with the worsening pandemic.
“You want a pat on the back for sending 400 ventilators?” asked Cuomo, referring to the number FEMA was sending to New York. “What are we going to do with 400 ventilators?”
“You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die,” said Cuomo — so incensed that he misstated the 29,600 New Yorkers who would actually be left without the life-saving equipment. READ MORE

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