Tuesday 31 March 2020

Has The Government Just Shut Down Your Church Building? Good! Maybe It’s Time To Copy The Apostles And Go Back To House Churches Like They Did

New post on Now The End Begins

Has The Government Just Shut Down Your Church Building? Good! Maybe It’s Time To Copy The Apostles And Go Back To House Churches Like They Did

by Geoffrey Grider

Think about this, what if your church never reopens? What if the New World Order which is forming right now during the coronavirus outbreak decides there will be no more church buildings? Then what will you do?

Think about this, what if your church never reopens? What if the New World Order which is forming right now during the coronavirus outbreak decides there will be no more church buildings? Then what will you do?

OK, so the government is shutting down churches now, and everyone is is crying "foul!", but not me. I think it's a good thing. Why? It's good because in large crowds of people, airborne viruses can spread quickly and easily. If you truly had love for your neighbor, like the bible says, you wouldn't push back on the simple and practical request to refrain from gathering in large groups during the outbreak. But there's a second reason I think it's a good idea. You were probably just going through the motions at church anyway. Maybe now you'll appreciate what you had.
"And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." Acts 20:20,21 (KJB)
As a society, Americans in 2020 are largely a pampered lot of people, me included. True, we have our share of the poor, but not poor like what you see in Indonesia, or Afghanistan and Africa where they lick dirt to find the nutrients. In America there is abundance, and we are not used to living any other way. We have churches in nearly every town, and a lot of time there are massive million dollar megachurches. What do you see when you go inside? A lot of people "going to church" but it's really become more of a social club where people meet to gossip, hook up, socialize and drink coffee. They roll their eyes if the preacher goes longer than usual, lukewarm as the day is long. Maybe God is doing you a favor by allowing your church to be shut down, maybe God is trying to wake you up.
So your church is closed, now what do you do? 
I think we've forgotten that born again Christians are the Church, it was never about the building. There were no church buildings in the First Century AD, where did they meet? They met at people's homes, in small groups, and they made the word of God of primary importance. Many of them suffered persecution by Rome for doing so, and were put to death. It cost them something to meet to worship the Lord like that, and it caused them to walk very closely with Him.
"Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house." Colossians 4:15 (KJB)
People, you better wake up, the entire world is changing, and it's never going back to the way to was. If you can't get on fire for the Lord now, then your fire is out, and you probably better check up on your salvation. When's the last time you sang in church at the top of your lungs because you were so happy to be saved and headed for Heaven? When's the last time you shouted a hearty "amen!" once or a dozen times during the preaching? See what I mean? You were lukewarm anyway, do you really care the government shut down your church? Did you really appreciate it when you had it? These are rhetorical questions, by the way. We already know the answers.
"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." Romans 13:11,12 (KJB)
Think about this, what if your church never reopens? What if the New World Order which is forming right now during the coronavirus outbreak decides there will be no more church buildings? Then what will you do? This is my advice, eat the meat and spit out the bones, but here it is. Instead of worrying about what the government is going to do next, why don't you have a one-person revival and get back on fire for Jesus Christ? Blow that dust off your bible, open it up and start reading it for yourself. Get excited about Jesus again, get excited about showing a lost person how to get saved. Get back to your first love.
Yes, I think it's a good thing the churches are closing. Now we get to see who the Christians are.

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