Wednesday 8 August 2012


An Explosion of Olympic Conspiracy Theories

A series of surprising coincidences have led some theorists to issue a warning that the Illuminati may have a bomb that they are planning to detonate during the 2012 London Olympics. Many Christian Voice members have been concerned about this and have asked us to investigate the warnings raised in the video ‘London 2012 Olympics – 100,000 to Die?
We would like to make clear from the outset that we are not jumping on board with this conspiracy theory. Instead our intent is simply to present the relevant facts in as objective a manner as possible, so that our members (particularly those who live or work in London) are in a better position to make up their own minds on the matter.
We begin by simply stating the facts.
FACT #1: Large-scale disasters are often anticipated in comics, novels, simulations or TV programs prior to the event itself. These often mirror the real event with surprising detail.
In 1886 a novelist anticipated the sinking of the Titanic in a book titled The Sinking of a Modern Liner. The website website explains how there were amazing correspondences between the details in the novel and what actually transpired in 1912. But this was not the only premonition of the disaster. In 1898, the American author Morgan Robertson wrote a novel titled Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan, in which he also predicted the 1912 disaster with an almost uncanny precision. (To read more, see ‘Titanic Sinking Foretold In Fictional Accounts Years Before Disaster)
Prior to the bombing of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, there were a number of references to it in stories and TV programs. Some of these described the event in surprising detail.  This includes:
  • a June 1983 edition of the Marvel Comic Book shows the tops of the Twin Towers destroyed after a take-over of the Third Reich.
  • A 1992 Deathstroke comic book shows one of the twin towers on fire with an eerie resemblance to what would later transpire.
  • In 1993 the French Comic Book Mortadelo & Filemon showed an image of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center in nearly the exact location that the first plane hit in 2001
  • In 1995 Steve Jackson’s Illuminati: New World Order game was released. Included in the playing cards was one for ‘Terrorist Nuke’ which had pictures which almost perfectly depicted the attack of 9/11.
  • The 1998 movie Armageddon shows the World Trade Center on fire in a scene that looks almost identical to how the buildings looked in real life after being attacked
  • The original album cover for the music group ‘The Coup’s’ 2001 album ‘Party Music’ depicted members of the group standing in front of the twin towers while they are being destroyed by huge explosives. The album’s planned release date was just after the September 11 attacks, but the cover art was quickly changed.
  • For years the US military had run drills years of planes being used as weapons against the World Trade Center. In fact, on September 11th 2001, the government happened to be running a simulation of a plane crashing into a building. Read more about this here and here.
  • In March 2001, the pilot episode of ‘The Lone Gunman’ dealt with the hijacking of a commercial airliner and the aborted attempt to crash the airliner into the World Trade Center.

Prior to the  London bombings on 7 July 2005, BBC Panorama ran a program which featured a mock exercise in which terrorists bombed three underground trains and one road vehicle. In the fictional program, these events take place over a short space of time during the morning rush hour, leading to a public announcement that “the attacks bear the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda.’ The Program ran on 16 May 2004, nearly a year before 7/7 bombings which also involved bombs on three underground trains and one road vehicle during a short space of time during the morning rush hour, followed by Jack Straw announcing, “The attacks bear the hallmarks of al-Qaeda.” (Information about the Panorama program can be obtained from the BBC website, while a transcript of it is available here.)

Moreover, leading up to the 7/7 bombings there were four other simulations or fictional scenarios which anticipated the event with a surprising degree of accuracy. These have been documented here and here.
On July 20th, Colorado university conducted an Advanced Disaster Life Support Training exercise based around an imagined gunman firing at people in a movie theater. A few hours later that day, the imagined event occurred in real life as James Holmes entered a Colorado movie theatre and began firing on viewers. What was spooky was the detail in which the simulated event mirrored the real one. (For more information, see ‘Eerie Coincidence: Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre.’)

FACT #2: the idea that a major catastrophe will happen during the London Olympics has been occurring in media and other places, even as premonitions or intimations of the disasters mentioned above have occurred prior to the event.
In his article, ‘Will There Be A Terrorist Attack at the 2012 London Olympics? Christopher Woodward noted that “In recent years there have been many signs within the media signalling a planned terrorist attack at the 2012 London Olympics.”
The main example of this is that in August 2008 the BBC broadcasted a series of programs called Spooks: Code 9. The program envisaged a nuclear attack on the Olympic Stadium during the London 2012 Olympics. Woodward adds to this the following examples, some of which are no longer applicable now that the opening ceremony has come and gone without incident:
The movie 2012 contains a scene in which a character is looking for a map inside a plane when trying to escape an exploding volcano. The first map he picks up and then fully opens is a map of the London underground, which can be clearly seen to viewers. Is this a sign of a future threat in London in 2012?
The late August 2011 edition of the British political satire magazine Private Eye had a cover title with the words ‘Olympic Rehearsal’, accompanied by an image of the recent London riots containing a speech balloon with the words ‘This is the worst opening ceremony ever.’
Another card used in the Illuminati game has a picture of Big Ben being blown up and five men, each of them wearing different colours, red, blue, yellow, green and black – the same colours of the five Olympic rings. In the same way as the cards depicting the 9/11 attacks, could this card be a sign of a planned terrorist attack at the London Olympics?
In July 2005, soon after London had won the bid to host the Olympics, it was reported that the Olympic Park site where the Games were planned to take place is the site of a former nuclear reactor.
In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation released a report entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. In one of the potential future scenarios considered, the report stated that, “the years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason; the 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000.”
Given that the number 13 is considered to be a key number used by the illuminati to reveal a secret coded message, and the significance of the Rockefeller Foundation in working to bring about a new world order behind the scenes, alongside other tax-exempt foundations, is this report yet another sign of a planned terrorist attack at the London Olympics?
To the above should be added the fact that the London Olympics produced an eerie advertisement in which an athlete squashes Big Ben before pulling the world together. (While the videoOlympic Adverts predicting an attack on London?’ has some bizarre conspiracy theories about Zionists, it is useful in showing the original advert.)
FACT #3: The 2012 London Olympics, and the stories about an Olympic holocaust, have been saturated in Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism.
The video ‘London 2012 Olympics – 100,000 to Die? demonstrates the proliferation of Illuminati symbolism in the Olympics, in everything from the one-eyed mascots to the design of the stadium lighting.
Furthermore, Spooks: Code 9, which seemingly predicts a large scale disaster during the games, is replete with similar symbolism. Quoting again from Christopher Woodward’s article:

There are a number of scenes in [Spooks: Code 9] in which the background contains the all-seeing eye symbol, as displayed on dollar notes, and commonly placed in the background on the logos of many corporations. It is thought to signal a coded message from the Iluminati.The all-seeing eye is similarly displayed on the homepage of Kudos, the production company behind Spooks: Code 9, and also depicted on Wenlock and Mandeville, the London 2012 official mascots.
In the first episode, a character asks to have exactly 330 minutes to find a killer. What may appear to be an unusual and illogical amount of time to request, may actually be a deliberately coded message. The number 330 may be a reference to 33, which points to the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. This could be a sign that the Freemasons are behind the programme and are conveying a secret coded message. The decision to include the phrase Code 9 in the title could be a signal towards a coded message in the programme, conveying that the events that take place in the series are planned to happen in the real world.
FACT #4: The global elites use large-scale crises to legitimize totalitarian measures and to push us closer to a one-world government.
The global elites know that the public is usually willing to surrender substantial liberties if they feel their security is at stake. Often a high-profile emergency will legitimise legislation that was already waiting in the wings, ready to be put forward after a disaster has ‘primed’ the public to believe it is necessary.
This basic principle is nothing new. Classical Greece and Rome had a tradition of appointing a dictator during times of crisis. After the crisis finished, the dictator stepped down and government returned to normal, usually to some form republic or oligarchy. Following this tradition, modern leaders frequently appeal to times of real or alleged ‘crisis’ to persuade the populace to entrust them abnormal powers. The other difference is that the totalitarian provisions introduced by modern leaders do not go away after the crisis is over but remain operative.
We see this time and again. Consider only a few examples.
  • On 13th March 1996, one Thomas Hamilton murdered 16 children and one adult at Dunblane in Scotland.  The official report expressed concerns over Hamilton’s mental state and known sexual pre-occupation with young boys, and police errors over the renewal of his gun license. Four months later on 27th February 1997 the Firearms (Amendment) Act was enacted, banning all hand-guns. (For further reading about this, see Blair’s Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End For His Career’ and ‘Police ‘lost’ key files on Dunblane killer.’)
  • When the Twin Towers were bombed on 9/11, conservatives as well as liberals in America were ready to embrace the ‘War on Terror.’ Now, eleven years later, this ‘war’ is being used to justify the introduction of wartime conditions into America. Because this conflict is against an undefined and ubiquitous foe, the conditions for surrender can never be met.
  • After the 7/7 bombings, the Government increased the amount of time people could be held for questioning.  Moreover, as action group Liberty warned on their website a year after the events, these bombings created an atmosphere favourable to “counter-productive legislation which restricts fundamental rights and freedoms in the name of fighting terrorism.”
  • After the tragic murder of ‘Baby P in 2009, the social services in the UK began interfering in family life to an unprecedented extent, with full support from the Government.
  • When the riots broke out in London last year, almost immediately government was ready with legislation to increase police powers and restrict internet freedom. (See ‘UK Riots: the Totalitarian Aftermath.’)
  • John Laughland has showed in his book The Tainted Source: Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea how the earliest defenders of the European Union appealed to the disaster of fascism to justify the abolition of national sovereignty.
  • George Soros and Co. have appealed to the disaster of the Rwandan genocide in order to justify a new theory of national sovereignty which creates the template for a one world government.

The pattern holds again and again: high-scale disaster followed by either tighter governmental control, or a type of centralization which seeks to undermine the division between nations. David Rockefeller put his finger on it in 1994 when he declared, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new World Order.”
The above facts are leading many to fear that a high-scale disaster is being planned to occur sometime during the London Olympics. However, the concern is based largely on Fact #1, which might be attributable to simple coincidence. It could be that millions of weird coincidences occur every day but we only hear about the dramatic ones or the ones that people have had an incentive to discover through hours of careful research. For this reason, Christian Voice remains sceptical. Moreover, we certainly do not believe that ‘the Jews’ are behind it all, as some of the conspiracy theorists cited above have alleged.
No doubt many terrorist groups would like to cause trouble at the Olympics, and no doubt our government would love to curtail our liberties even more, but we remain sceptical that those in power in London would allow an atrocity to proceed which would damage the international standing of their capital city, let alone a nuclear explosion which would close it down completely.

All the same, we have wanted to present these objective facts to our members so that they can make up their own minds and share this post with friends.
We certainly urge prayer that the Lord will bring any plots to light and thwart all and any attempts to cause loss of life or liberty at the games.
One last thing is certain, whether or not the conspiracy theorists are right, the Olympic enterprise is under judgment from God because of the paganism at its root and the sexual licentiousness with which it has come to be associated. (See ‘Olympic Village Sex Fest for a shocking report on what has been going on during these Olympics).
PS. As the article says at the bottom, "we remain sceptical" about all of these conspiracy theories, and I tend to agree with them. But after much prayer and deliberation, I thought I would post this on my blog to keep you all informed, and to also offer this to you for prayerful consideration.

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