Monday 14 May 2012



Gilly and I are away now in America for the whole month of May visiting family and friends, but I thought it was necessary to write a newsletter to keep you informed of what has happened to us in the recent weeks and months.

Those of you who visit my Blog will have been aware that there has been a scarcity of new material over the last few months and I want you to know that it is not due to a lack of concern for the Lords work but the result of an extremely busy season in our lives. The Springtime is always a bit hectic with Conference work in addition to the usual preaching and teaching, and 2012 was particularly so.

Much new study material was, and is, in the course of preparation, including the production of the last Blog study on globalism from Babel onwards, which we converted into a little booklet titled "The Mystery of Iniquity Revealed" [this booklet is available from me on my return to the UK in June, for three pounds including P&P; just email and I'll send you my home address]. These things and a continually filling email inbox would have been enough to keep me fully occupied but a series of domestic matters compounded our difficulties, workload and stress.

From a hole in the bath to a failed hot water/central heating boiler, numerous run of the mill problems proved inexplicably difficult to resolve but all were overshadowed by one major event. In late January Gilly's step-father had a serious collapse and remained on the floor at home undetected for almost 3 days. He was immediately hospitalised remaining in York District and St Helens Rehabilitation Centre for a little over 3 months. Social Services, rightly, assessed that he was no longer able to look after himself safely and that the NHS could only discharge him into Care. Step-father strongly disagreed and a battle royal ensued!!!!!

We were left holding the cat, minding his house and all his affairs against much resistance, argument and hostility. But, at last, he has been convinced that his only viable option is to be in a residential Care home and we have found a very nice location in Upper Poppleton, just outside the York city boundary and fairly close to our home. We moved him their 3 days before our departure to visit our daughters and their families in the USA. As we did not visit in 2011 our current "grandparent time" is extra special.

Despite lots of fun time currently with 4 bouncy grandsons aged  from 7 months to five and a half years, I have been studying the typology of Isaac and Rebecca again and also re-examining the significance of the role of John the Immerser, studies which will feature in blog form in the next weeks. I had never noticed previously that the Pharisees etc are convicted of refusing the "will of God" by declining or refusing the ministry of John.

Again this highlights the fact that John was the primary vessel through whom the Holy Spirit was working immediately prior to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Himself.[ Luke 7: 29-30] This, and much more coming your way in the weeks ahead! And please do not forget the BIBLE PROPHECY FOUNDATION TEACHING WEEK we are holding in June when we get back to the UK. Please try and come if possible (see larger advert further down this blog).

Shalom In Yeshua,
Brian and Gilly.

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