Sunday 27 March 2022



When Foundations are Destroyed

Of course, my track record on timing is terrible, so I’m hoping that what I see now will be pushed back a bit. I really don’t want to live through what’s coming, but it’s not like any of us have a choice.

The foundations are crumbling.

Brace for impact.

Look around you.

No, really. Stop reading and literally look up at everything around you.

Depending on where you are, who you are and what you are doing, almost nothing that you see was built with your own hands. Unless you cut the wood or poured the concrete, very little in your home or place of work was of your own making. You didn’t create the car that you drive or build the bus or train that you ride in. Unless you are a part of the 2% that are farmers, you almost certainly didn’t grow the food that you eat. But, you did contribute something to the society that provides those things to you.

Whether now, or in the past, you invested time, effort and thoughtfulness into something that has value, and civilization rewarded you with tokens (money) that you exchanged for what you needed and wanted. And, there are billions of people, doing this every day. And, they do it, because they trust the system in which they live and work.

Civilization Vs. The Barbarians

Confidence and trust are the foundation of that system we all work in. There literally cannot be a civilization without that foundation. It’s one of many reasons why I have paid attention to Martin Armstrong. He understands all of that.

Unfortunately, the system and its foundation has a lot of enemies. The Greeks called them βάρβαρος (barbaros) or barbarian. They were the opposite of the πολίτης (politis) or citizen. And, for thousands of years, there has been an unceasing war between barbarism and civilization.

Up to this point, civilization was winning its fight against the barbarians within and the barbarians without. Unfortunately, that long list of victories is about to end. Oh, I’m sure that we’ll get a few more wins in before it’s all over, but the barbarians among us and the barbarians outside have gotten too strong.

We stopped defending the idea of ‘The Rule of Law’. We corrupted the idea of morality. We redefined democracy to be what the rich and powerful want. We debased our education. We created too many parasites and not enough symbionts. Too many takers and not enough builders.

The Christian Foundation

Of course, as Christians, we know how this works. It’s called sin. And sin is the ultimate destroyer of civilization and the core of barbarism. Those who are immoral are the barbarians in our midst. They are the ones who have destroyed education, culture, entertainment, finance, banking, manufacturing, the Rule of Law, medicine and even the food that we eat and the water that we drink.

FULL ARTICLE AT: When Foundations are Destroyed

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