The British Broadcasting Company, known as the BBC, has come under fire for a program aimed at prepubescent children which claimed that there are over 100 gender identities.
We warned you about 8 years ago that the global LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement was recruiting children, and we received all kids of hate mail telling us how wrong and mean we were to say such things. But the reality is that the LGBTQ+ people are making a very strong pitch for recruiting children to their doctrine, as we see here in this BBC 'special' that is aimed at very young children to fill their heads with ridiculous ideas about changing their gender.
"This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)
This is all part of the new thought police state we now find ourselves in, a literal 'bizarro world' where up is down and everything is up for grabs. From a biblical perspective, these are the 'days of Lot' coming in as the Church Age is getting ready to go up and out. The other thing we warned you about years ago was the coming time when the LGBTQ+ would add a 'P' for pedophile, and most assuredly that day is right around the corner. Believe it or not.
BBC Educational Film Tells Children There Are ‘over 100’ Genders
FROM BREITBART NEWS: The film, entitled Identity – Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities, is currently being presented on the publicly-funded broadcaster’s ‘Teach’ website and is aimed at children between the ages of nine and 12 years old. The programme says that becoming transgender is a means by which children can become “happy” and that supposedly different gender identities include “gender-queer”, “pansexual”, and “bi-gender”, the Daily Mail reported.
At one point during the film, a pupil is seen asking a Relationships and Sex Education teacher: “How many gender identities are there?”
The teacher replies: “There are so many gender identities. So we know we have got male and female, but there are over 100 if not more gender identities now. Some people might feel that they are two different genders, people might think they are bi-gender. You have got some people who might call themselves ‘gender-queer’ – just like, I don’t want to be anything, in particular, I just want to be me.”
Later in the film, a transgender healthcare worker tells the pupils: “I told people it wasn’t because I wanted to be transgender but because I wanted to be happy and to be happy I had to be true to who I was. Nobody really treats me differently but I feel that the pieces in my life fit better now.”
The film was widely criticised, with Conservative MP Jackie Doyle-Price saying: “Telling children there are more than 100 genders is nonsense, and potentially harmful as it risks normalising something which is extremely rare.”
London mayoral candidate David Kurten also took aim at the BBC, writing: “The BBC should not be teaching kids unscientific nonsense about genderqueer theory. There are two sexes, not 100 genders. #DefundTheBBC.”
In response to the outrage, the BBC said that over 50 teachers were consulted in crafting the messaging of the film, which they said was not part of the ‘Lockdown Learning’ offer for children — most of whom have been forced to use online education during the coronavirus crisis. READ MORE
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