Sunday 9 August 2020

Christian Churches In California Need To Rise Up With One Voice And Defy The Unlawful Order Of Gov. Gavin Newsom To Shut Down Worship Services

New post on Now The End Begins

Christian Churches In California Need To Rise Up With One Voice And Defy The Unlawful Order Of Gov. Gavin Newsom To Shut Down Worship Services

by Geoffrey Grider


This case is the first in the country where church members and all future attendees are now considered defendants subject to contempt of court for entering a church to WORSHIP.

In the bible, all of the members of the nascent Church, including the apostles, had to deal with an openly hostile and tyrannical government that was oppressing them literally to death, Rome. In spite of being forced to live under those conditions, the apostles never at any time revolted against the government. But as we see in Acts 5, they didn't stop preaching and teaching Jesus Christ, either. They took beatings for that stand, literal beatings, but that's where they drew their 'line in the sand'. That's the price they were willing to pay, and that is exactly what the people in California need to do right now.
"And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5:40-42 (KJB)
I am not calling for any type of revolt or insurrection of the people of California against their government, but I am calling for the pastors and preachers in that state to preach Jesus regardless of the cost, in spite of the cost and because of the cost. Read Acts 5 and remind yourself of the price that was paid to preach and teach the gospel of the grace of God, that price is still the same, it has not changed, it is the price of blood. Your blood. And remember, they rejoiced when they had the honor to make that payment. This is what real, true, and biblical Christianity is all about.

Judge Orders Church to Stop Worship Services, Says It Violated Governor Gavin Newsom's Lockdown

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: Today, a Ventura County state judge issued a temporary restraining order to Pastor Rob McCoy of Godspeak Calvary Chapel Church prohibiting the church from meeting under Governor Newsom’s unconstitutional COVID-19 no singing and no worship orders. Liberty Counsel does not represent the church but is working with the pastor and his legal counsel.
The state court order also names Does 1 – 1000, meaning the injunction includes every person who attends the church or who will attend the church. Anyone who dares visit the church to worship could be held in contempt of court.
However, Gov. Newsom’s orders allow the church to feed, shelter, and provide social services, but the same people in the same building cannot worship. In order words, non-religious services are acceptable but religious services are banned. People can receive food, but not take communion. People can be housed overnight, but cannot hold a short worship service, Bible study, or meet for prayer. People can receive counseling to find work but cannot be counseled on finding eternal life.
This case is the first in the country where church members and all future attendees are now considered defendants subject to contempt of court for entering a church to WORSHIP.
An evidentiary hearing is now set for the end of the month.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The same governor who encourages mass protests, bans all worship. The same governor who says the church can meet for secular services, bans the church from having religious worship. If people cannot see this obvious unconstitutional violation, they are blind. This unconstitutional hostility against religious worship must end. Enough is enough!” READ MORE

Singers Banned at Church Services in California By Gov. Gavin Newsom

In an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 at houses of worship, which recently reopened in California, Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered that singing be banned at all services in the state. To date, 650 coronavirus cases have been linked to 40 U.S. churches and religious events. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is pushing hard to reopen school in the fall, but health experts are pushing back, saying that many schools would shut down soon after opening if even once person got COVID-19.

California Churches Defy Governor Gavin Newsom Order To Close Indoor Operations

On Sunday, hundreds of people in Northern California attended church services – indoors – despite an order from Gov. Gavin Newsom banning inside worship. Newsom’s order puts an end to indoor worship in more than 30 counties, including Placer, where Destiny Christian Church is located.

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