Saturday 30 June 2012


I have warned about deception on this blog many times, for I believe it is Satan's greatest weapon in these last perilous days. Here we have a prophecy warning against such deception. Similar to the prophecy given by the renowned Lance Lambert (below) regarding judgement from the Lord on the British Isles, here we have another prophecy of judgement on the church in Britain for its apostate state read out at Saltburn this week.

It was passed to me to be read out by our good friend Sally Richardson from London, and it is from the respected Pastor John Hayward: It reads as follows:

"Behold, I am bringing a further wave of deception to your shores, a stronger delusion. Many shall err and embrace this teaching and deception, and only those who have a heart for My purposes shall stand and warn of this My judgement upon a back-slidden, self-absorbed church.

Behold, I have sent it unto bringing a clearer division between My true church and that which is apostate. Behold, it will come, it will not tarry, and many are ripe for it, and ready to be led astray by it. What else could I do? How I have waited for repentance, but not a sound. Waited for a turning, but the masses would not. How they have despised My sacrifice and My altar. There is little weeping and much mirth; merriment which is not in accordance with what I am feeling.

As for My people, those who stand with Me, turn aside from that which is full of deception. Come of that which would make you err. Do not be entangled in deception. Be not lenient in your hearts lest you open the door to that which will lead you astray. Rather, call on Me. Hold fast to the head and cling to what is good. Seek Me and live. Hold to My Word, My ways, My teaching of you, and you shall be spared from all that will swallow up the unsuspecting. And pray, seek My face that some might escape this coming tide of deception, that there may be yet a testimony unto My Son in your land, a remnant that shall proclaim all that I stand for. See, I have spoken to you, discern My Word and live".

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