Tuesday 9 June 2020

Watch Liberal David Rubin Forced To Change His Position As Conservative Black Radio Host Larry Elder Proves No Such Thing As Systemic Racism

New post on Now The End Begins

Watch Liberal David Rubin Forced To Change His Position As Conservative Black Radio Host Larry Elder Proves No Such Thing As Systemic Racism

by Geoffrey Grider


Please watch and then share this article with everyone you know who needs a strong, powerful, successful black man to show them that systemic racism in America is not true.

Everywhere you turn right now, and for the past two weeks, we have been verbally and at times physically attacked by the radical Left, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter telling us they are going to 'defund the police' and bring an end to systemic racism in America. This is their rallying cry night and day, but is it true? Does the fundamental societal structure of America really contain systemic racism of whites towards blacks? Liberal podcaster David Rubin thought so, right up to the moment that Conservative black radio guy Larry Elder showed him otherwise.
"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding." Proverbs 23:23 (KJB)
At the moment, a clip from that interview is burning up social media, and that clip is very powerful and extremely persuasive, but it is only a clip. When you watch the whole interview, it gets even better. So without further ado, here now is that interview between David Rubin and Larry Elder, showing for once and for all time that idea of systemic racism in America is nothing more than a Liberal canard designed to justify tearing down our nation and replacing it with Socialism.
Please watch and then share this article with everyone you know who needs a strong, powerful, successful black man to show them that systemic racism in America is not true. Enjoy!

Larry Elder Dismantles Notion Of Systemic Racism In America

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Larry Elder (conservative radio host) about Conservatives, Libertarians, Black Lives Matter, systemic racism, Hollywood liberal bias, and more.

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