Tuesday 9 June 2020

SURRENDER: Nancy Pelosi And Other Democratic Lawmakers Take A Knee On Capitol Hill To Show Solidarity With Black Lives Matter Movement

New post on Now The End Begins

SURRENDER: Nancy Pelosi And Other Democratic Lawmakers Take A Knee On Capitol Hill To Show Solidarity With Black Lives Matter Movement

by Geoffrey Grider


Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats knelt in silent tribute to George Floyd in the US Congress on Monday before unveiling a package of sweeping police reforms in response to the killing of African Americans by law enforcement.

There is a movement across the country right now that is seeking to bring America literally to her knees, a movement by the radical Left in this country, and it gains power and speed with each passing day. Even Piers Morgan in the UK has demanded that President Trump surrender on live television and 'take a knee' in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter radicals. This is how insane things have gotten, with no signs of abating anytime soon. Now it's Nancy Pelosi leading the surrender.
Of course, the age-old rule is that you can never satisfy your tormentors, because as George Orwell so beautifully wrote in his dystopian novel of the future, our time, that "the object of torture is torture, and the object of power is power". The more ground you cede, the more they take until you have nothing left. Black Lives Matter was never about ending racism in America, it has always been about making white people the slaves. Amazingly, deluded and deceived white people are only to willing to bow down to their new oppressors.

Nancy Pelosi And Democrats take a knee in US Congress

FROM YAHOO NEWS: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer were joined by two dozen lawmakers in Congress' Emancipation Hall -- named in honor of the slaves who helped erect the US Capitol in the 18th century.
They knelt for eight minutes and 46 seconds to mark the length of time a white police officer pinned his knee on the neck of the 46-year-old Floyd, whose death in Minneapolis May 25 unleashed mass protests against racial injustice.
Tired of this yet? pic.twitter.com/bmMPU2C05I
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) June 8, 2020
Pelosi and the other senior Democratic leaders, accompanied by members of the Black Congressional Caucus, said their bill aimed to create "meaningful, structural change that safeguards every Americans' right to safety and equal justice."
The legislation seeks to "end police brutality, hold police accountable, improve transparency in policing," a statement said. The "Justice and Policing Act," which introduced in both chambers of Congress, would make it easier to prosecute officers and rethink how they are recruited and trained.
Its chances of passage in the Senate, where Republicans hold the majority, is highly uncertain.
President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election in November, has accused his Democratic rival Joe Biden of seeking to "defund the police" while casting himself as the "law and order" president. READ MORE

Nancy Pelosi Looks Terrified As She Prepares To Surrender To Black Lives Matter

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic members of Congress kneeled in silence for eight minutes and 46 seconds on the marble floor of Emancipation Hall in the U.S. Capitol on Monday, the duration that Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on the neck of George Floyd as he died. U.S. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said the duration was an excruciating, unbearable amount of time and the tribute was necessary to acknowledge the pain and suffering of Black Americans.

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