Saturday 6 June 2020

THUG LIFE: Pretend Christian Kanye West Joins Black Lives Matter Anti-Police Protests, Scrubs Twitter Feed Of Nearly All His ‘Sunday Service’ Tweets

New post on Now The End Begins

THUG LIFE: Pretend Christian Kanye West Joins Black Lives Matter Anti-Police Protests, Scrubs Twitter Feed Of Nearly All His ‘Sunday Service’ Tweets

by Geoffrey Grider


Kanye West is supporting his hometown Black Lives Matter militia amid nationwide riots against police brutality, while removing most all of his 'Sunday Service' tweets from his Twitter feed.

Oh, it was such fun while it lasted, wasn't it? Pretend Christian Kanye West deceived millions of biblically illiterate and lukewarm Laodicean Christians with his phony 'Sunday Service' garbage, where Ye was glorified and Jesus came in a close second. Remember how hard on me you were when I pointed out to you that he was deceiving you to make millions? Well, Kanye West made about $250 millions off of you people who bought his stuff. Remember you said that he was just a "baby Christian" and to give him time? Time's up, welcome to reality.
"A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?" Jeremiah 5:30,31 (KJB)
Kanye West marched in solidarity with Black Lives Matter criminals yesterday, wearing a black hoodie and a black mask, and looking for all the world like a criminal himself. When I saw that, the first place I went was his Twitter feed to see all the great posts about Jesus. There weren't any. Not only that, Kanye or his team have removed nearly all of the 2020 'Sunday Service' tweets, Jesus is nowhere to be found. Not a bible verse, nothing. Don't believe me? Just watch the video below to see hoodrat Kanye dressed for thug life action.
"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." Proverbs 26:11 (KJB)
Seems like a thousand years ago that Kanye West was welcomed with open arms by the Charismatic community, and paraded around like the Second Coming, doesn't it? It was all a con, it was all a scheme to make himself richer, and it worked like a charm because the people who bought his music never open a bible. Yesterday, Kanye West marched openly with Black Lives Matter forces, not a word about Jesus, and he marched with people who demanded the police in Chicago be kept out of public schools. Anyone feel like shouting amen? I told you he was a fake, maybe next time you'll listen.

Kanye West marches with Chicago students to protest police presence in city’s schools

FROM NY DAILY NEWS: The “Stronger” rapper, 42, who was raised in Chicago, attended a Windy City march Thursday demanding police officers stay out of its schools, NBC Chicago reports.
Prior to the march, the fashion designer donated $2 million to the families and legal teams of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and set up a college savings fund to fully cover the tuition for George Floyd’s 6-year-old daughter, Gianna, People reports.
The news of Kanye West and his 'Sunday Service' travelling show is in the news just about everywhere at the moment.
Floyd’s death last week, at the hands of a white policeman who knelt on his neck until he stopped breathing, was caught on video and outraged the country and the world. Along with the fatal shootings of 25-year-old Arbery in February, as he jogged in a Georgia neighborhood, and 26-year-old Taylor, who was killed in her home in March by narcotics officers, Floyd’s killing spurred the current wave of Black Lives Matter protests seen worldwide.
Local civil rights activist Ja’Mal Green organized the Chicago Public Schools march, which began at the CPS office on the city’s South Side, as a form of protesting the contract the school system has with the city’s police department.
Another organizer, Jalen Jobayashi, told NBC that Chicagoans “need the CPD out of our schools,” pointing to the current "over-militarized, over-surveillance state.”
“We are living in a state where police are out here killing [our] kids on their way to and from school,” Jobayashi said. There was also a march to police headquarters on Michigan Ave., about a half mile from the CPS office. READ MORE

Kanye West joined a march after speakers called for CPS to cancel its contract with CPD in Chicago

Kanye West has joined protesters in Chicago. The rapper is with Chicago Public Schools students to protest the killing of George Floyd as well as to demand CPS cancel their contract with the Chicago Police Department.

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