Saturday 6 June 2020

Are You One Of the Spiritually Deceived And Mentally Deficient People Who Are Kneeling Before Black Lives Matter Repenting Of Your Whiteness?

New post on Now The End Begins

Are You One Of the Spiritually Deceived And Mentally Deficient People Who Are Kneeling Before Black Lives Matter Repenting Of Your Whiteness?

by Geoffrey Grider


There have been violent riots in various parts of the world demanding an end to racism. Protests are going on in over 140 cities of the United States over the death of 46-year-old George Floyd.

That what I am writing about today is even a thing is beyond disturbing to me on not just many levels but on every level. As the end times insanity heats up, and ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists continue to loot, pillage, burn, steal and destroy, white Liberals have begun kneeling before their captors and asking to be forgiven of their "whiteness", and their "white privilege". Are you one of those weak, pathetic, deceived and virulently pusillanimous people engaging in such behaviour? If so, do you think such ridiculous efforts will "stop racism" in America and around the world? Let me give you a much-needed reality check.
"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." 2 Timothy 3:12,13 (KJB)
Take a look at the video below, and see the black man in Detroit whose home was destroyed in the riots, he has tears in his eyes as he surveys the carnage. He has 5 children to support and care for. His home was destroyed by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters. Black on black crime. No one cares. Or how about David Dorn? He was a black police officer shot to death by Black Lives Matter looters, and mocked as he laid dying, his blood spilling out onto the city street.
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." 1 John 1:8-10 (KJB)
You think that you apologizing for being white at the feet of ANIFA and Black Lives Matter criminals will really stop racism in this country? Kneeling before them is the very definition of racism. Get up off your knees, you snivelling cowards, and stand up for the truth. And the truth is we all stand guilty before God, if you want to kneel and confess to anyone, confess to Him.

Deceived White People Kneel Down and Seek Forgiveness from Black Lives Matter Terrorists Across the United States

FROM NEWS 18: Amidst all of this, a video has also emerged on social media in which white people can be seen kneeling down and apologising to black people for the incident. A man in the video can be heard saying, “Father God we asked for forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism”.
The video also shows a lot of people present in the gathering get emotional.
White neighbours kneel down and ask for forgiveness on behalf of the whites. All races are equal before God. #GeorgeFloydProtests #BlackLivesMatter This is a very powerful moment! 😢😢
— Dj Soxxy 🇰🇪 (@DjSoxxy) June 1, 2020
As per various reports, this incident took place at Texas’ Third Ward in Houston.
Floyd died in Minneapolis, after a white police personnel named Derek Chauvin pinned him down by putting his knee on the African-American man’s neck for nearly nine minutes. Chauvin has been charged with third-degree murder.
Black Lives Matter DESTROYED this black man's home!! If YOU march with these animals, SHAME ON YOU!!! I stand with this man, and I stand against ANTIFA and BLack Lives Matter!!!!! #AllLivesMatter #AntifaTerrorists @CNNPolitics @maddow @MSNBC
— Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) June 5, 2020
Meanwhile, a short clip featuring Floyd’s daughter Gianna has created a buzz on social media. In the clip, the little girl can be heard saying “Daddy Changed the world”.
The clip was recorded soon after the media briefing which was held at Minneapolis. Gianna can be seen sitting on former NBA player Stephen Jackson Sr.’s shoulders in the recording.
Sharing the emotional video on Instagram, Stephen said, “That’s right GiGi “Daddy changed the world” George Floyd the name of change. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #ivehadenough Love to all who have love for all”. READ MORE

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