Tuesday 16 June 2020

Seattle ANTIFA Rioters Change Name Of Occupied Area From CHAZ To CHOP After What Happened To People During French Revolution

New post on Now The End Begins

Seattle ANTIFA Rioters Change Name Of Occupied Area From CHAZ To CHOP After What Happened To People During French Revolution

by Geoffrey Grider


Those who refuse to embrace their movement could face a violent end, a group of ANTIFA protesters in Seattle have declared. The unsettling warning comes after their encampment in the city was renamed to CHOP.

As the ANTIFA forces begin to settle into their Autonomous Zone, and get more comfortable with their anarchy, they have made a change or two to their branding. Originally calling themselves CHOP, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, they now call it CHOP, or Capitol Hill Occupied Protests. One man with a bullhorn told the crowd that CHOP was also a nod to the French Revolution where all those who didn't go along with the revolt were beheaded. Chopped. Now we begin to see the true spirit of ANTIFA, fascists to the core.
George Soros may be financing all of this, but that is not the same as saying he is controlling it. After the funds are laundered through his NGO system and dispersed to ANTIFA soldiers, the fascist rioters called into duty, he actually has very little control as to where things go next. Over a dozen people have died nationwide during these riots at the hands of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, and there is no telling how many dozens more will be murdered under the banner of 'freedom'. I think we are a kitten's whisker away from things blowing up very badly.

Those not on board with French Revolution were chopped, ANTIFA CHAZ protesters warn after renaming their camp CHOP

FROM RT: A group of ANTIFA demonstrators who gathered outside Seattle’s West Precinct on Sunday night had a chilling message for anyone who hasn’t pledged fealty to their radical demands, which include the abolition of the city’s police department and a complete transformation of the criminal justice system. One demonstrator with a megaphone explained a possible secondary meaning behind the decision to rebrand their camp, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), to ‘CHOP’ (‘Capitol Hill Organized Protest’ or ‘Capitol Hill Occupied Protest’, depending on who you ask).
“Does anybody know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?”
“CHOPPED,” the crowd answered. pic.twitter.com/FfyUAvcUhM
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) June 15, 2020
The megaphone-wielding protester then reaffirmed the gravity of the threat: “That is the message we need to send. We are serious. This is not a joke.”
The proclamation was met with considerable skepticism – and mockery – on social media.
“So that’s what CHOP means,” conservative commentator Jack Posobiec said.
Others noted that many of those who started the French Revolution ended up “chopped.”
Protesters barricaded streets around Seattle’s East Precinct last week, which had been abandoned by police. Seemingly overnight, the area transformed into a camp for BLM activists and other demonstrators. Supporters say the encampment serves as an example of community cooperation and self-policing, but the message has been mired by violence and lawlessness. READ MORE

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