Tuesday 16 June 2020

New York City Makes Unprecedented Move And Eliminates 600+ Plainclothes Police Force, Exposing New Yorkers To Drastic Uptick In Violent Crime

New post on Now The End Begins

New York City Makes Unprecedented Move And Eliminates 600+ Plainclothes Police Force, Exposing New Yorkers To Drastic Uptick In Violent Crime

by Geoffrey Grider


The New York Police Department is disbanding its anti-crime unit in what Commissioner Dermot Shea described on Monday as "a seismic shift in the culture of how the NYPD polices this great city."

Remember that movie called 'Escape From New York' from the 1980's where New York City had been turned into a giant maximum security prison, and was a place where lawlessness abounded and the prisoners were actually in charge? The low-thinking Liberals who run New York City just took a giant step towards turning that movie into reality by disbanding a massive 600+ plainclothes police division in order to appease the Black Lives Matter terrorists. Not only that, pusillanimous mayor Bill De Blasio has also agreed to rename a street in each of the 5 boroughs to 'Black Lives Matter'.
Do the police departments in cities across America need reforming and retooling? Absolutely, there is not any area run by governmental councils that doesn't need to be monitored and held to account, police departments included. But disbanding entire departments is nothing more than a signal to the criminals to come in and set up shop, which is exactly what they are going to do, which is exactly what the plan is. Cloward and Piven must be beaming with pride watching their plan to collapse America finally being carried out. Click the link below to read more about that.
The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is being used to destroy the American economy by implementing the Cloward–Piven strategy and Rules For Radical by Saul Alinsky for the New World Order.

NYPD to disband 600-strong plainclothes anti-crimes unit in a move toward community-focused '21st century policing'

FROM INSIDER: "This is 21st-century policing," Shea said at a news conference. "We must do it in a manner that builds trust between the officers and the community they serve."
The move will impact some 600 plainclothes officers, who will be transitioned into other assignments like neighborhood policing and detective work. In the past, they've worked out of the department's 77 precincts, targeting violent crime, The New York Times reported.
"I would consider this in the realm of closing one of the last chapters of 'Stop, Question and Frisk,'" Shea said. "I think it's time to more forward and change how we police in this city. We can do it with brains. We can do it with guile. We can move away from brute force."
Shea admitted that the decision is "not without risk" because the anti-crime unit's work includes taking firearms off the street. Without them, the risk is "squarely on my shoulders," he said, according to WABC-TV.
Police reform has become a rallying cry not only in the United States but across the world after George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, died while a white police officer placed a knee on his neck for almost nine minutes in a bid to restrain him. Floyd's police killing sparked outrage, which manifested in the form of protests with thousands calling for an end to systemic racism and police violence.
In some cases, however, rioters hit the streets and looting, arson, vandalism, and police clashes took attention away from the Black Lives Matter movement.
"Thankfully, here in New York City, angry demonstrations have turned peaceful. Thoughtful discussions about reform have emerged. We welcome reform, but we also believe that meaningful reform starts from within," Shea said, per NBC New York.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on June 7 that the city would be "shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people."
Other police reforms included overhauling 50-a, a section of New York Civil Rights Law that says personnel files of police officers, firefighters, and corrections officers are "confidential and not subject to inspection or review" without their permission.
The "unprecedented reduction" would "not only limit the scope of the NYPD, but also show our commitment towards moving away from the failed policing policies of the past," the statement said.
The group promised to save money by "reducing uniform headcount through attrition, cutting overtime, shifting responsibilities away from the NYPD, finding efficiencies and savings in OTPS spending, and lowering associated fringe expenses." READ MORE

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