Sunday 7 June 2020

BOWING DOWN: NFL Joins With Black Lives Matter As Denver Broncos In Protests Wear Shirts Saying ‘if You Ain’t With Us, You Against Us’

New post on Now The End Begins

BOWING DOWN: NFL Joins With Black Lives Matter As Denver Broncos In Protests Wear Shirts Saying ‘if You Ain’t With Us, You Against Us’

by Geoffrey Grider


Denver Broncos players joined planned Black Lives Matter protests at the State Capitol building in Denver Saturday.

The idiocy and the lunacy surrounding the race riots fomented by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter is reaching new heights, and are themselves the very definition of what racism is. ANTIFA says they are "against fascism" and to prove it they will riot in packs and beat whoever opposes them with bricks and bats. That is fascism. In much the same fashion, Black Lives Matter say they are "against racism' and will force you to bow down to them if you are white. That's racism. Now this virus has infected the NFL, as we see today with the Denver Broncos.
Wearing shirts that proclaim "If you ain't with us, you against us", a brand-new front on the age-old race war has erupted, only this time it is deluded white people literally bowing down to Black Lives Matter protesters, apologizing for "being white", and asking their forgiveness. Not content to let it rest there, they are wearing shirts telling you that if you don't go along with it, then you have just become the enemy.
Well, guess what? I ain't with you, NFL, I ain't with you, I ain't with you Denver Broncos, and I absolutely, 100% and under no circumstances of any kind, on any day or for any reason with the Black Lives Matter terrorists. Your plan to "end racism" by having whites kneel at your feet is never gonna fly.
I call for a full and complete boycott of the NFL beginning right here and right now. Not one more penny for the millionaire, privileged, elites football players and the corporation they work for. Read this story to see why I could never support Black Lives Matter:

'If you ain't with us, you against us:' Broncos players join protests, lead march through Denver

FROM DENVER CHANNEL 7: Pushed by safety Kareem Jackson with help from teammates, the event took place at Civic Center Park and included players and coaches wearing T-shirts that read "If you ain't with us, you against us."
"If you ain't with us, you against us."
— Denver Broncos (@Broncos) June 6, 2020
They spoke to a large crowd gathered at the Greek Amphitheater before leading them on a march through downtown. Saturday’s demonstrations mark 10 straight days of protests after the death of George Floyd, whose alleged killers -- Minneapolis police officers – have been arrested and charged.
Let me say this again, White people you were not a slave owner so stop apologizing for slavery.
Black People you were not a slave!
STOP LIVING IN A PAST YOU NEVER LIVED IN! #blacklifematters#AllLivesMatter
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) June 4, 2020
Saturday also marks the first full day protests after the expiration of Denver’s citywide curfew and newly-placed restrictions on Denver police.
On Friday, a federal judge temporarily banned the Denver Police Department from using tear gas, pepper balls or "projectiles of any kind" against peaceful protesters. However, the use of tear gas or other non-lethal devices is allowed once “an on-scene supervisor at the rank of Captain or above specifically authorizes such use of force in response to specific acts of violence or destruction of property that the command officer has personally witnessed,” according to the ruling. READ MORE

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