Sunday 7 June 2020

Black Lives Matter Racists And Fascist ANTIFA Rioters Are Slaughtering Blacks And Hispanics As Fake News Media Tells You About ‘Peaceful Protests’

New post on Now The End Begins

Black Lives Matter Racists And Fascist ANTIFA Rioters Are Slaughtering Blacks And Hispanics As Fake News Media Tells You About ‘Peaceful Protests’

by Geoffrey Grider


The death toll and circumstances of the killings at the hands of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terrorists are coming to light, and the majority of their victims are black. Why is the fake news media silent about this?

The death of black man George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police is both a tragedy and a crime, and the four officers involved have been arrested, charged and are awaiting trial. That is how justice operates in America. But the riots that have sprung up to protest that, riots largely conducted by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists, have given birth to a virtual killing spree is over ten times that of the original crime.
Anyone interested in the race of the victims being killing by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter? They are nearly all black.
"From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." James 4:1-3 (KJB)
The fake news media would have you to believe that the majority of the protesters are peaceful with a smattering rioters thrown in, but the opposite is true. The majority of the riots are conducted by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, and the damage is in the hundreds of millions of dollars to property, and incalculable in the damage to human souls. Since the fake news media refuses to tell you the truth, we will tell it to you. This is civil war, with the flames being stoked by the media and the radical Left. The end game? Nothing less than the literal destruction of America.

At least 11 killed by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter terrorists during U.S. protests seeking justice for George Floyd, many of them African Americans

FROM KTLA: One man was the beloved owner of a Louisville barbecue restaurant who provided free meals to officers. Another was a man known as “Mr. Indianapolis,” a former star football player. Yet another was a federal officer working security during a protest.
They are among those killed as protests have roiled American cities in the week since the death of George Floyd, a black man who pleaded for air as a white Minneapolis officer jammed a knee into his neck.
The deaths have at times been overshadowed by the shocking images of unrest, from heavy-handed police tactics to violence, vandalism and arson. Tens of thousands have marched peacefully in demonstrations against police brutality and racism.
Many of the people killed were African Americans, compounding the tragedy for black communities.
Hundreds of others have been injured in the chaos, with police officers getting shot and protesters struck with rubber bullets. The death toll and circumstances of the killings are still being sorted out in many cities, but here is what we know so far:


As police and the National Guard troops sought to clear a crowd Monday, they heard gunshots and returned fire, killing David McAtee, the owner of a barbecue restaurant.
The mayor fired the police chief after finding out officers did not turn on their body-worn cameras. State police and the U.S. attorney also are investigating. McAtee was a 53-year-old African American man known for offering free meals to officers who stopped by his restaurant.
in an attempt to disperse crowds, #DavidMcAtee, a louisville bbq chef known for serving cops free meals, was shot and killed by the police last night. he was unarmed. not only were the officers’ bodycams off, but they also left his body on the street for 12 hours.
say his name.
— adaliah 🇹🇬 (@adxlls) June 2, 2020
“We lost a wonderful citizen named David McAtee,” Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said. “David was a friend to many, a well-known barbecue man.”
Acting police Chief Robert Schroeder said Tuesday that video from security cameras at McAtee’s business and an adjoining store showed McAtee firing a gun as officers approached.
“This video does not provide all the answers. But we are releasing it to provide transparency. It does not answer every question, including why did he fire and where were police at the time he fired,” Schroeder said.
The protests in Louisville have centered not just on Floyd’s killing but also the death of Breonna Taylor, a black woman killed in her home in Louisville in March. The 26-year-old EMT was shot eight times by narcotics detectives who knocked down her front door as they tried to serve a search warrant. No drugs were found.


A federal law enforcement officer was providing security at a federal courthouse during a protest when someone fired shots from a vehicle. Dave Patrick Underwood, 53, died and another officer was critically wounded.
It was not immediately clear if the drive-by shooting was related to the protests, though the federal building’s glass doors were smashed and the front entrance was sprayed with anti-police graffiti.
Dave Patrick Underwood was shot and killed in what appears to be a driveby shooting. From his sister - “My brother, Dave Patrick Underwood, a federal officer, was murdered 5/29/20 in Oakland California, while on duty during the riots. This Violence Must Stop.” #BlackLivesMatter
— Giosué (@yehoshuaODoyle) May 31, 2020
Underwood, who was black, and the other officer were contracted security officers employed by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service. They were monitoring a nearby protest. No one has been arrested, and a motive for the shooting has not yet been determined.
Underwood was the brother of Angela Underwood Jacobs, recently a Republican candidate to fill a vacant U.S. congressional seat north of Los Angeles.


Two people were killed this past weekend amid unrest, including 38-year-old Chris Beaty, a former offensive lineman for Indiana University.
Beaty was known as “Mr. Indianapolis” and remained involved with the Hoosiers long after graduating. He also was a prominent businessman in the city, running multiple nightclubs.ds
We are saddened by the tragic loss of Chris Beaty.
— Indiana Football (@IndianaFootball) June 1, 2020
“I am at a loss for words. The news of the passing of Chris Beaty is just devastating,” coach Tom Allen said in a statement. “Since I returned home to coach at Indiana, Chris embraced me, encouraged me and supported me! His passion for life and Indiana Football energized me every time we were together.”
The circumstances of his shooting weren’t immediately clear, but some media reports said it happened near his apartment. This death occurred the same night an 18-year-old man was fatally shot as protests erupted in the city.


Police are investigating the deaths of 22-year-old Italia Kelly, who was shot Monday while leaving a protest outside a Walmart, and of a man found near where suspects exchanged gunfire with police in the city of 100,000 people across the Mississippi River from Illinois.
The circumstances of Kelly’s death are murky, and no arrests have been made. Kelly and a friend were getting in a vehicle to leave because the protest had turned unruly when she was struck in the back by a bullet, said her aunt, Amy Hale of Atchison, Kansas.
“She was always smiling, always laughing. That’s why it’s so sad that she was taken in such a violent way,” Hale said. “That is not Italia. She was the bright, bubbly big personality in the room.”
Italia Kelly lost her life last night while protesting in Davenport, Iowa. Please help her family pay for her funeral.
— strawberry femme 🍓🌸 (@fIowerfemme) June 1, 2020
Separately, authorities said an officer patrolling Sunday was “ambushed” with gunfire. Another officer shot back, and the suspects fled. Their vehicle crashed, and they were arrested. Near where the officer was shot, police found a man dead from a gunshot next to a vehicle. Police say they found a handgun underneath his body. His identity has not been released.
Police said surveillance video shows that the man and some of the arrested suspects were involved in a shooting outside a jewelry store hours earlier. They were casing the business when other cars arrived and multiple people fired shots at each other and fled, police said.


In what is believed to be the first killing since the protests broke out, Calvin L. Horton Jr. was fatally shot outside a pawn shop last week.
The owner of the pawn shop, who is white, was arrested in the death of Horton, a 43-year-old black man. Police say they are investigating the circumstances of the killing, including whether it was related to protests in the neighborhood.
The shop was described as having been significantly damaged during the unrest.
Calvin L Horton Jr was shot to death by a store owner amongst the rioting and chaos that took place following the protests on May 27, 2020. Please donate if you can
— amelia loves big c♡²⁸ (@knjwlls) June 1, 2020


James Scurlock, a 22-year-old black man, was killed Saturday after authorities said he tussled with the owner of two downtown bars. Surveillance video of the strip of bars shows a group of people, including Scurlock, approach white bar owner Jake Gardner.
Two people shove Gardner to the ground, and he fired shots in the air. Seconds later, Scurlock is seen jumping on Gardner, who then fires the gun over his shoulder, striking Scurlock.
Authorities have declined to press charges in the death, calling the shooting self-defense. But Gardner could still face misdemeanor gun charges because his concealed carry permit for the gun had expired, the police chief said.
James Scurlock, a 22-year-old Black man, was shot and killed by a white bar owner on Saturday night in Omaha, Nebraska, during a George Floyd protest. Witnesses said the gunman used racial slurs before the shooting. #JamesScurlock
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) May 31, 2020


A 21-year-old man was killed in downtown Detroit after someone fired shots into a vehicle during a protest. According to a police report, the man was sitting in the driver’s seat of a car in a parking lot with two others when someone opened fire and then ran away.


Two people were killed during unrest Monday in the suburb of Cicero, according to a town official. Spokesman Ray Hanania did not provide details about those who were killed but said it happened during protests. READ MORE

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