Saturday 14 September 2019


Hi all

An update from Gilly about Brian.

He will be in hospital until next week at least.  Progression is continuing, and they are now concentrating on the nasty ulcer on his left foot.  It is very deep and sloughy, and it is complicated as the middle three sets of metatarsal bones have been removed from that foot as well as the toes.

Switch off now if you're squeamish......

...  He is now having 'maggot therapy' !  Actually they look like a lot of black dots in a teabag, but they are doing the work in cleaning the deep wound of dead flesh.

Pain is still bad, but is controlled by morphine as needed, and he will also be on two types of antibiotics for 10 weeks.

In general he is doing OK, but noise on the ward makes sleeping difficult some nights.

The ulcer on the back of the left leg is getting better, and the one on the right leg is well on the way to healing.  Praise the Lord!

They do thank you for your cards, which are very much appreciated, and send their love to you all, and thank you again for your prayers.

Every Blessing In Christ,

Keith Cline

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