Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The End Times Forecaster With "The Red Heifer and the Two Messiahs"

 The Red Heifer and the Two Messiahs

A couple of interesting stories with great prophetic significance popped up this week. They deal with the red heifer and the two messiahs. (HT The Big the One) 

The Red Heifer: 

Rabbi Burstein announced: red cow soon

rabbi Menachem Burshtein on the eve of the cow affair: "in about six months, we have a red cow ready and summoned for the work of the temple."

Source: rabbi burstein announced: red cow soon | channel 7 (inn.co.il)  

As most of you are probably aware the ashes of a red heifer are required for the dedication of the coming third Temple. So this development regarding the red heifer, if true, paves way for the dedication of the third Temple. 

Those who have studied their Bible know that the antichrist will perform the abomination of desolation in the Temple near the middle of the last 7 years, after which he will become the ruler of the world. 

The Two Messiahs: 

Two messiahs??? This is a new one on me, maybe I heard about it before but forgot. Here are the details. 

What does the Russian invasion of Ukraine have to do with the Messiah? Everything, according to one rabbi who studied the Talmud’s prophecy. Rabbi Yehuda Richter of Kfar Tappuach revealed in a recent lecture entitled ‘Emergency Broadcast: Russia, Ukraine, Armageddon, Bringing the Redemption’ that in the Talmud, a little-known prophesy touches on how wars in “the seventh year” are a sign of the End-of-days and a harbinger of the Messiah’s arrival…  

The rabbi explains that the Nation of Israel will experience redemption in the seventh year – or the Sabbatical year, which we are in right now.  

The rabbi then explains that when the wars end in the seventh year, the Messiah, a descendant of David, arrives in the eighth year (September 2022-September 2023)  

“It says that in the seventh year, there are wars, and that represents the beginning of redemption, and then the messiah comes. At the at the eve of the seventh year, so most of the commentaries say that there’s of course two messiahs. There’s the messiah, the son of joseph who fights the battles – who’s the physical side of the redemption of the Jewish people and that happens during the seventh year – wars, etc. And then after the seventh year is over the beginning of the eighth year, that is the Messiah of David.”

Source: https://www.israel365news.com/267995/talmudic-prophesy-reveals-russia-ukraine-war-indicates-messiahs-arrival-as-early-as-2022/  

This is quite an interesting concept—a fighting messiah, the son of Joseph and a redeeming/ruling messiah of David. We know in the end times that the antichrist false messiah will rule the world and will be claimed to be from the lineage of David. Could the son of Joseph messiah be the false prophet? 

Now let’s consider his date parameters; I have heard of statements by Rabbi’s in the past that have not come true, so just because he says it does not mean that it will happen, but it also does not mean that it won’t happen the way he says—time will tell. 

Remember the Talmud is a set of Jewish writings and is not the inspired Word of God. 

The word “Talmud” is a Hebrew word meaning “learning, instruction.” The Talmud is a central text of mainstream Judaism and consists primarily of discussions and commentary on Jewish history, law (especially its practical application to life), customs and culture.

Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/Talmud.html  

So, what are we to make of all of this? Are we on the verge of seeing the third Temple built and dedicated with the ashes of a red heifer? Will there be two messiahs and if so are these false messiahs near to appearing on the scene? As always time will tell but this is something to definitely keep an eye on, but if what they are saying will come to pass then it has major prophetic implications. 

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