Thursday, 31 March 2016

Is it just a coincidence that reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going up in New York and London on April 19th, on the precise day when the Feast of Moloch is celebrated and when the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast begins?

April 19: Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up On Significant Day

I am about to share with you some absolutely astounding information.  It turns out that the exact day when reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal are going to be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London is also the exact day when a very important occult festival related to the worship of Baal begins.  
April 19th is the first day of a 13 day period of time known as "the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast" that culminates on the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1st.  In some parts of the world, Beltane is much better known as "May Day", and it has been described as the "Illuminati s second most sacred holiday".  As you will see below, we have indeed witnessed a disturbing series of "blood sacrifices" during the second half of April in recent years, and many people wonder if there is a connection.

April 19th is also known as the Feast of Moloch .  If you are not familiar with "Moloch" or "Molech", it is an ancient Canaanite god that is repeatedly denounced in the Old Testament.  Child sacrifice was a key feature of the worship of Moloch, and a giant statue of this pagan deity is set up at the Bohemian Grove in northern California every year.

Is it just a coincidence that reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going up in New York and London on the precise day when the Feast of Moloch is celebrated and when the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast begins?  The organization in charge of this "cultural project" is the Institute for Digital Archaeology.  The following comes directly from their website...

On April 19, 2016, in cooperation with national and international cultural heritage preservation organizations, and in conjunction with World Heritage Week 2016, the Institute for Digital Archaeology will install a monumental scale reconstruction of Palmyra s Triumphal Arch on Trafalgar Square.  Through this project and others like it scheduled throughout 2016 in cities both inside and outside the Middle East the IDA seeks to provide an optimistic and constructive response to the ongoing threats to history and heritage that have captured headlines over the past year.  Our aim is to highlight the potential for the triumph of human ingenuity over violence by offering innovative, technology-driven options for the stewardship of objects and architecture from our shared past.

Are we to believe that this date was chosen at random?

Is it just some sort of weird "accident" that the date they decided on begins a 13 day period of time which is exceedingly significant for the worship of Baal?...

"April 19 May 1 Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day."

And as I mentioned above, we have indeed witnessed some very noteworthy "blood sacrifices" during the second half of the month of April over the past few decades.

The following list of events that have happened on or around April 19th comes from Vigilant Citizen...

April 19, 1993 Waco Massacre: An FBI assault lead to the burning down of the compound of a sect named Branch Davidians, killing 76 men, women and children.
April 19, 1995  Oklahoma City bombing 168 people killed.
April 20,  1999 Columbine High School Massacre 13 people murdered, 21 injured.
April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech Massacre 32 killed; 17 injured.
April 16, 2013 Boston Marathon Explosions 3 killed; 107 injured.

In addition, let s not forget that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot to death on April 19th.
I also wanted to note that since 2016 is a leap year, April 20th will be the 111th day of the year, and triple numbers are considered to be "power dates" in the occult world.

This 13 day period which begins on April 19th culminates with the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1st.  In recent years, this occult holiday has experienced a tremendous resurgence especially in Europe.  The origin of Beltane can be traced all the way back to the worship of Baal in the ancient Middle East.  The following comes from

Beltane (pronounced, "B'yal-t'n") begins April 30th at sundown and lasts until sunrise on May 1st. Beltane is the opposite of Halloween on the Satanic calendar as Halloween is a time of reaping, while Beltane is a time of rebirth. This holiday is a time to celebrate fertility, indulgence, the rebirth of spring, and the Sumerian God Enlil (Baal), this is where the name "Beltane" originates.

Before any real celebrating took place, wood from nine different types of trees gathered and a sacred grid was made. The grid was created by drawing a square on the ground and dividing it into eight smaller squares. Turf from the eight outer squares were dug out leaving the ninth square intact. The Beltane fire symbolized the central hearth of the community, the divine fire in the center of all things, and the spark of life within mankind.

Beltane celebrations were celebrated in the nude and without shame. Celebrants would dance around the maypole which stood as a phallic symbol. Couples would pair up, jump through the bonfire, and had sex in the woods all night, after intense feasting.

And as I discussed in my article the other day, the worship of Baal can be traced all the way back to an ancient king of Babylon that is known in Sumerian sources as Enmerkar, but that is known in the Bible as Nimrod.  He established the very first "New World Order" in the ancient world, and he fundamentally changed the course of human history.

After he passed away, this ancient king of Babylon eventually came to be worshipped as a sun god under a whole host of different names: Marduk, Osiris, Apollo etc.

Many secret societies and occult groups believe that someday this ancient deity will be "resurrected" and will once again take his place as the ruler of the world.  And many Christians scholars are entirely convinced that there is some sort of connection between the ancient figure of Nimrod and the coming Antichrist.

So is it just a coincidence that we are erecting arches for this ancient deity in New York and London on a date that is exceedingly significant for those that worship this ancient deity?

Could it be possible that there is more to these "gateways" that are being constructed than we are being told?

Could it be possible that we are laying out giant "welcome signs" for the Antichrist?

We have entered a period of time known in the Bible as "the last days".  If you think that what you have read in this article is a bit strange, well the truth is that you haven't seen anything yet.

From this point forward, things are going to get much, much stranger.

Ultimately, the world that we live in is going to come to resemble something out of a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel.

So enjoy the remaining days of "normal life" as we have all come to know it.

Our world is rapidly changing, and those changes will soon become extremely dramatic.


Why hasn't ISIS attacked Israel?

ISIS has already attacked Europe's soft underbelly three times; while the terrorist group has repeatedly threatened Israel, it has yet to attack Israelis on Israeli soil; Because of deterrence or perhaps a Mossad conspiracy, ISIS has held off from attacking the Jewish state.
By Smadar Perry.

ISIS will continue to shock Europe for several months to come. There is no room for optimism and no sudden miracle will occur. Pessimists are already saying that Europe is "finished," for at least the next year, as intelligence comes out of impending attacks on stadiums, cup matches, tourist sites, event halls, restaurants, trains, and airports.

The Pandora's Box which was opened after the last three terror attacks signals that the Molenbeek suburb of Brussels is the ISIS capital in Europe. Hundreds of young Belgians leave specifically from Molenbeek to ISIS training camps in Iraq and Syria. Yet what is most worrying is the fact that at least 400 were sent back in order to build sleeper cells and to stock up on explosives for attacks.

The leader of ISIS has no problem displaying his target list. At first, he wanted to take over Saudi Arabia and take down the monarchy on his way to capturing the two Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina. At the same time, he wanted to launch terror attacks against the "unbelievers," including the US. However, that part of the plan didn't succeed because of the diligence of security services in Washington and Riyadh.

Europe, in its complacency, is viewed as an easy target for ISIS. So why doesn't it attack Israel?

Four months ago, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi threatened that "we have not forgotten Palestine," flapped his hands in front of the camera, and warned Israelis that "Palestine will be your graveyard."

Another one of his spokespeople also said, in Hebrew, that not even a single Israeli will remain alive in Jerusalem.

Belgian ISIS soldier
Belgian ISIS soldier

Israel didn't respond. The two sides seem to be sitting in the back seat of a car in neutral; all they need to do is put the keys in the ignition.

Al-Baghdadi's goals are to focused on taking over moderate Arab countries, who cooperate with Israel such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia.

Israeli security experts say that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan understood the terror attacks in Ankara and Istanbul as a warning from ISIS for attempting to reconcile with Israel.

In the Arab world, which is addicted to conspiracy theories, there are two main rumors. The first is that al-Baghdadi and his group are afraid of Israel and think the IDF is too strong, tough, and dangerous.

The second theory is that Israel and more specfically, the Mossad, created ISIS. The claim is that proof exists that Israeli intelligence agents encouraged Iraqi officers - after they were captured by the Americans following the fall of Saddam Hussein - to create a revenge organization. That is the reason, according to the conspiracy theory, that ISIS is making sure to spread and attack targets at the behest of the Israelis – and making Israel an ally.

Belgian ISIS soldier executes a prisoner
Belgian ISIS soldier executes a prisoner

After Netanyahu's "terror speech" last week, al-Naba, one of al-Baghdadi's spokespersons, reassured the public that ISIS does in fact have its sights set on Israel. Israelis outside of the country – of course! Israeli institutions abroad – why not? But Islamic extremists are not going to attempt to attack Israel itself. It's enough for them to sit on the border with Sinai, to recruit people from Gaza, and to try to insert operatives into Jordan.
Yet Israel isn't complacent. In the air and on the ground, there is a lot going on behind the scenes which is top secret. One can only assume that no one believes that Baghdadi and Company are truly ignoring Israel. Israel also gave Russian fighter jets information in order to carry out attacks on ISIS terror cells in Syria. The Jewish state's eyes are always open to the possibility of ISIS sleeper cells planted in the country, and ISIS might activate them before they complete their list of objectives.

Saturday, 26 March 2016


The Muslim Brotherhood and its various offshoots have chosen 2016 as the year they will turn their focus away from the Middle East and toward the Western democracies seen as ripe for revolutionary activity, says a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist and Islam expert.
The revolutionary jihad movement that swept through the Middle East and North Africa as part of the “Arab Spring” is starting to take root in Europe with attacks already carried out on Paris and Brussels, said John Guandolo.
This movement will eventually spread to the United States, said Guandolo, a former Marine and instructor at the U.S. Army War College who now provides training to law enforcement agencies that want to learn more about the jihadist network in the U.S.
That network is operated, he said, by the International Muslim Brotherhood through its many front organizations. Among them are the Muslim-American Society, or MAS; Muslim Student Association, or MSA; Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR; Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA; and North American Islamic Trust, or NAIT.
Guandolo, author of the book “Raising a Jihadi Generation,” said the Muslim Brotherhood is teaming up with the Black Lives Matter movement to create violent events that will surprise many police agencies in cities across the U.S.
He said parts of the strategy leaked out at the annual convention of the Muslim-American Society on Dec. 28, 2015, in Chicago.

Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, was very upfront about the U.S. Muslim community’s embracing of Black Lives Matter.
“We have direct evidence of Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas working with anarchists and Black Lives Matter,” Guandolo told WND. “You have Nihad Awad saying, ‘Black Lives Matter is our matter,’ and ‘2016 is our year to make our mark.'”
At that same convention, another Muslim Brotherhood operative, Khalilah Sabra, the executive director and project developer for the Muslim Society of America’s Immigrant Justice Center, was even more blunt.
“We are the community that staged a revolution across the world,” she said. “If we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”
Guandolo sees a further coming together of the Muslim Brotherhood entities and the forces of radical revolutionaries associated with Black Lives Matter.

"Sabra is a senior executive in the Muslim Brotherhood, but she also represents the Department of Justice in their executive office of immigration review, and she's saying we had a revolution in the Middle East, why can't we have one in the U.S.?" Guandolo said. "That is astonishing. These two movements are taking parallel paths."
While Brussels was one of the most unprotected and jihadist-friendly cities in Europe, other cities are also vulnerable, not only in Europe but in America, he said.
Making the same mistakes
Guandolo said the U.S. is probably less than 10 years behind Europe in terms of the advancement of Islam.
"You have a different situation here. We're much larger than any of the countries in Europe, and we have some significant cultural differences. But we are making the same mistakes," Guandolo said.
"We have Jewish and Christian leaders falling over themselves to kiss the asses of Muslims, and they clearly have no clue to what Islam teaches -- when Muslims are teaching one another -- nor do they understand the jihadi network here and that almost all the major U.S. Muslim organizations are dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood."
Guandolo is advising several states right now on security issues and has uploaded a wealth of information, including original source documents from the Muslim Brotherhood, on his website, Understanding The Threat.
"I do get a lot of these questions from state leaders, and I tell them, 'You're going to see individual acts of jihad,' but you should think in terms of one precipitating event," he said.
For example, in California a couple years ago, there was an attack on the power grid.
"And if they had not been able to shut that down quickly, you would have had a large portion of California without power for up to a year," Guandolo said. "We still don't know who did that, but it was a handful of individuals armed with weapons and wire cutters, and that could have been a huge precipitating event followed by riots and shootings. You just can't make this stuff up. They are preparing the battlefield in every way, and we are asleep at the wheel."
Guandolo still works in law enforcement and once commanded a SWAT unit in Washington, D.C.
"I can tell you most SWAT teams are in no way prepared for what is coming," he said. "And I'm not talking about their equipment. They are just not mentally prepared for real, raging battle, a battle that can last eight to 10 hours on the streets. They're not prepared for that, but that's where we are heading."
10,000 ISIS fighters ready to launch attacks?
While the Islamic movement is still largely focused on the Muslim world – trying to get Muslims to be Shariah compliant and to support jihad in places like Egypt, Syria, North Africa and Asia – that is getting ready to change.
"Formerly more moderate countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey and Jordan," he said, are being pressured to become more hardline.
"So their focus, per their stated strategy by leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood since 2010, really was focusing on the Muslim world. But this is the year that their strategy is supposed to turn," Guandolo said. "They're entering that time where they turn focus to the West."
"So just imagine that instead of 400 fighters in Europe ready to launch attacks, just imagine if it were 10,000 of them going into Italy and storming Rome," he added. "We think that's incomprehensible but I would say we need to prepare for that. That day is coming. Our leaders have no clue about the history of the West's battle with Islam. The West has fought nine wars with Islam. It's getting ready to happen again."
Among the presidential candidates, Guandolo sees some who he considers a work in progress and some who will never wake up to reality because they have too many ties to the wrong people.
None of the candidates are schooled in the strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood to the extent that is needed, he said, but Ted Cruz and Donald Trump offer hope that they can get up to speed based on some of their early choices as foreign-policy advisers.
Trump, for instance, is getting advice from Walid Phares, a former senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and Joseph E. Schmitz, a former Defense Department inspector general, both of whom Guandolo says "get it" about Shariah and jihad being the basis of Islamic teaching worldwide. These men received critical reviews in the New York Times, which said that, other than Phares, they were unknown to insiders, who were "left scratching their heads."

In an interview Thursday with WND and Radio America, Phares, a Lebanese Christian scholar and Fox News terrorism analyst, said the fight against Islamic terror needs to be waged at the ideological level, not just with aggressive law enforcement.
Cruz's choices of former Pentagon official Frank Gaffney was mocked by Politico, which said Cruz was drawing "from the anti-Islam fringe."
If the establishment media are lambasting the choices by Trump and Cruz, that's good news for conservatives who have been unhappy with the weak response of President Obama, who refuses to even utter the words "Islamic terrorism."
Guandolo said Trump's selection of Joe Schmitz is particularly hopeful.
"I know he understands Shariah and how it doesn't work in our system, and he certainly understands the Muslim Brotherhood is all over this country and he understands their network," Guandolo said.
"But then you have Mrs. Clinton, who just came out and said 'we have a few extremists' in Islam. Really? How many is a few? I don't even know what that means at this point."
States grappling with Muslim influx
Guandolo said even the most well-prepared, most conservative states, like Texas, have yet to fully grasp the extent of what they are up against. Texas has received more Muslim refugees than any other state other than California since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"In a state like Texas it's interesting to look at the dynamics. There's a huge jihadi presence there but you have a huge problem with false pride," he said. "People are of the mindset 'this is Texas, we'll kick their butts,' but the people they're working with in the Muslim community are all jihadis. There's also a huge number of people in the security community that understand what's going on, that get it, but they fear they won't be allowed to take action."
Part of the Muslim Brotherhood strategy is to cast any criticism of Islam as "Islamophobic" thereby pitting Americans against Americans.
That strategy is working, Guandolo says.
"A lot of the problem is you've got communities battling themselves, as far as identifying the threat and what to do about it," he said. "Humans will long tolerate great abuses, but there's going to come a tipping point. The problem is that the tipping point for Americans – if it comes too far after the bad guys have had an advantage – we're in trouble. That's what's happened in Europe. You're dealing with leaders that are just psychotically disconnected from reality."
The Brotherhood's "Explanatory Memorandum" captured by the FBI in a 2004 raid lays out a strategy to use America's own leaders and its own liberal policies to destroy the U.S. from within.
"The Muslim Brotherhood says it will destroy America ... 'by our hand,'" Guandolo said. "And so if they can get the leaders on their side while at the same time the people are waking up to what is really happening, it is their goal to destroy our faith, not just our faith in God but faith in our system, in our leadership, in our security apparatus. When citizens lose that faith and their leaders become so corrupt – not in the sense that they're stealing money but in that they are not fulfilling their duties to protect – then you have set the stage for exactly what the Islamic jihadis want. So when they strike there is not an adequate response."
The Explanatory Memorandum also revealed that nonviolent "civilization jihad" and later violent jihad will be launched from the mosques.
The U.S. now has upward of 2,500 mosques, and Guandolo says at least 75 percent of them are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood through NAIT and other organizations.
The coming tragedy
"So think about a Paris-type scenario in your town or city, where you have two or three explosions and grenades going off. Then you just marry up two or three other events around the country. They don't have to be big events, just two guys going into a school with grenades and start sawing people's heads off," he said. "You will have Americans losing their minds. Government will say, 'Simmer down, we don't know what this was,' when everybody who still has a functioning brain knows exactly what it was."
Guandolo says the Brotherhood has been developing its network of mosques in the U.S. since the 1980s.
He said the key to understanding Islam is to listen to what the top Islamic thinkers and imams are saying to other Muslims, then disregard what they say to non-Muslims.
"Islam is what Islam says it is. When Muslims teach Muslims, when they teach one another, they say jihad is obligatory and Muhammad is the perfect example of a man and he is Allah's messenger and he just went out and did jihad," Guandolo said.
'The worst of all creatures'
Is there a peaceful, mystical form of Islam?
Guandolo says there is, but you won't find it preached in any mainstream American mosque.
"It's in the homes of people who may self-identify as Muslims and are teaching their children there is a way to live outside of Shariah, but the fact is that is not taught in any mosque or Islamic school. And what they teach is what Islam is."
He points to Surah 98:6 of the Quran.
"Allah said in Surah 98:6 that non-Muslims are the 'worst of all creatures.' That does not mean everyone who self identifies as a Muslim is living according to Shariah, but that is not Islam as taught in the mosque. When someone seeks to impose Shariah on someone else, they're a threat and we need to be aggressively pursuing them and we are not."

Friday, 25 March 2016


Were Brussels jihadis trying to make a RADIOACTIVE BOMB? Expert says ISIS may have been plotting to steal nuclear material – as 11 power plant workers have their access revoked amid fears of 'insider help' 
·                     Brussels terrorists had originally planned to target a nuclear power plant
·                     May have detonated at plant or gained entry to get 'dirty bomb' materials
·                     11 workers at Tihange nuclear power plant have had their passes revoked 
·                     Jihadis filmed 12 hours of footage of power chief's home amid kidnap plan
·                     It has now emerged the creators of the footage were the Bakraoui brothers 

The Brussels terrorists may have been plotting to make a radioactive bomb after it emerged 11 nuclear power plant workers have had their site access revoked amid fears of 'insider help'.
Jihadi brothers Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui had secretly filmed the daily routine of Belgium's nuclear programme chief, before they blew themselves up at Brussels airport and on a Metro train.
It is thought the brothers' spying operation was possible preparation for a kidnap plot to force him to let them into one of Belgium's two atomic facilities. However, it is likely they switched targets to the less well-guarded airport and Maelbeek Metro station after authorities became suspicious.
The terror cell responsible for the Paris and Brussels attacks was planning to attack an unidentified nuclear power station or try and steal materials from it for a 'dirty bomb'. Pictured is the power plant in Doel, Belgium

It emerged last night that 11 workers at the Tihange nuclear power plant, 40 miles south-east of Brussels, have had their access badges withdrawn – leading to speculation the bombers may have been seeking insider help.
Seven of the passes were withdrawn last week, and last Friday additional soldiers were deployed to protect the plant, which has three reactors.
If the terrorists had struck there, it could have caused a catastrophe. The plant lies in a heavily populated area about 50 miles from each of Belgium's borders with Germany, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. One Belgian plant is only 90 miles from Kent.
Alternatively, the brothers could have been plotting to steal nuclear material to make a dirty bomb.
Claude Moniquet, who investigates threats to Europe's nuclear sector, told NBC News: 'The terrorist cell naively believed they could use him to penetrate a lab to obtain nuclear material to make a dirty bomb.'The heightened security at the facility, and the police raids on ISIS boltholes last week which led to the capture of Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam, may have prompted the bombers to switch their targets to Brussels airport and Metro station, where they killed 31 people and injured 270 others on Tuesday.
Belgium's La Derniere Heure newspaper quoted a police source as saying the el-Bakraoui brothers had hidden cameras in bushes outside the home of the head of the country's nuclear research and development programme.
A Belgian prosecutor refused to divulge the individual's identity 'for obvious security reasons'.
Belgium's federal agency for nuclear control stressed the importance of not revealing the name of the person involved so as 'not to endanger the enquiry or nuclear security' or indeed the person involved and their family.

The footage was found in December during a police raid in Brussels linked to the Paris attacks a month earlier. The filming confounded investigators at first because it showed the entrance to the director's home in Flanders, an area outside the capital.
But after watching all 12 hours' worth of footage, detectives drew the chilling conclusion that the fanatics were trying to gain access to an atomic facility.
Armed troops were sent to defend French and Belgian nuclear facilities following the discovery and both countries' nuclear programmes were put on the highest state of alert.
On February 17, Belgian prosecutors confirmed the existence of the video seized in December. At the time, investigators knew the video camera had been removed by two men, who left the area in a vehicle with the lights off, but did not know their identity.
La Derniere Heure said it was now clear it was the two brothers.
'They rushed their operations because they felt under pressure,' the police source told the paper.
'Even if one couldn't prevent these (Brussels) attacks, one can say that their magnitude could have been much bigger if the terrorists had been able to implement their original plan and not opted for easier targets.'

The key figure in the alleged 'dirty bomb' plot is Mohammed Bakkali, 28, from Brussels, who was arrested on suspicion of helping to plan the Paris massacre in November.
The video footage of the nuclear power plant director is believed to have been found during a raid at his flat. He is due to appear in court at the end of the month.
Meanwhile, Paris jihadi Abdeslam, 26, said he 'didn't know anything' about the latest attacks, a court in Brussels was told yesterday. He wanted 'to return to France as quickly as possible' to 'explain himself' in a criminal trial, his lawyer said.

·                     Six suspects have been arrested in anti-terror raids in Brussels, Belgian officials said last night. Meanwhile, a man in the 'advanced stages' of a major plot was arrested in Paris yesterday, according to France's interior minister. The man was implicated in the plot at a 'high level' and belonged to a 'militant network' planning a terror attack

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Authorities need look no further than Angela Merkel as the prime suspect for the latest carnage in Brussels!!

Op-Ed: After Brussels, is it time to deport Merkel?

Madness has afflicted the leaders of Western Europe.
Published: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 10:29 AM

Authorities need look no further than Angela Merkel as the prime suspect for the latest carnage in Brussels.

More than anyone, it was Merkel who opened the floodgates to the migrants -- armies of men without women posing as refugees from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan found trampling throughout Europe. When they are caught misbehaving, they smirk and say, “I am here as a guest of Angela Merkel,” and they are correct and nearly untouchable.

Merkel stands by her open borders policy, the safety of her people be damned.

Over the past 12 months, more then a million of them have already crossed into Germany alone; 300,000 have been given asylum.

Of Brussels at this hour, all Western Europe leadership is guilty with Merkel sharing the largest part of the blame. These are her pets.

“Don’t go out unless you have to” is the hot new message circulating throughout Europe now that the “refugees” have arrived. You could get raped.

You could also get killed, and that’s what happened when the citizens of Brussels dared to go out Tuesday morning during rush hour. Scores were slain and wounded from yet another Islamic terror attack and people all over want to know how to make this stop.

We pass the point of absurdity when “open borders” imperils us all throughout the world.
Stop the influx. How’s that for an idea that needs no Einstein? Deport them instead. Maybe starting with Merkel, who invited the stampede.

The Saudis and the princes from the other Gulf States have it neatly figured out.

(So does Trump who wants to stop it and saw it coming as did this must-read thriller.)

Those titled Arabs don’t want that crowd within 100 miles even though they are fellow Muslims. But they do not want that type entering their borders, bringing with them their license to rape, their rivalries and tribal feuds, hell no, so why not Europe, and Europe says, sure, why not? Bring them on!

How clueless!

This is how. Only a few days ago, there they sat around a big table in Brussels, the smooth rulers of the EU, congratulating themselves on the capture of the final “mastermind” behind the November attack in Paris that killed 130. The French president was there, the Belgium prime minister was there and all the rest together expressed joy to the world that Salah Abdeslam had been caught.

Merkel sent in her gratitude for the superb police work.

At the moment they were hi-fiving the one success, 10,000 more “refugees” streamed in, plenty of them likewise “masterminds.”

Can no one do the math?

We pass the point of absurdity when “open borders” imperils us all throughout the world. There is no stopping the mad dash across continents.

Nor can we stop the madness that afflicts the world’s leaders.

Merkel and the rest of you clueless rulers of Europe, your misguided liberal sympathies and migrant leniencies are killing us.

Hence, Obama has chimed in his condolences for the pain in Brussels. “The entire world must unite,” he said. Yeah, sure, thanks. Will do.

Now back to the game, Mr. President.

Employing European wisdom, he wants to bring more of them into the United States. Thanks again.

Likewise Hillary and Trudeau. First the condolences followed by “we must resist Islamophobia” and keep the influx coming.

Hillary demands that we bring in 65,000 of them. Trudeau is ahead of her. He’s already got them in Canada.

It takes no prophet to know what’s coming for Canada and what’s next for the United States.

Don’t blame the terrorists, only. They are murderers but they know what they are doing.

The same cannot be said for the men and women who run our world.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic newsroom thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: