Friday 15 January 2021

Shock As UK Now Mandating Biometric Immunity Passports And Begins Refusing Entry To Supermarkets And Banks For People Not Wearing A Mask


New post on Now The End Begins

Shock As UK Now Mandating Biometric Immunity Passports And Begins Refusing Entry To Supermarkets And Banks For People Not Wearing A Mask

by Geoffrey Grider

British government-sponsored vaccine passports will be issued to thousands of Britons after the receive the coronavirus inoculations in a ‘trial’ run of the programme this month.

While America in particular and the world in general is obsessed with the ongoing civil war playing itself out in Washington DC, across the pond in the UK the New World Order proceeds unabated. The draconian COVID-1984 immunity passports and now something called a vaccine passport are in the process of being rolled out. All this while the Bill Gates funded Moderna calmly tells us that COVID is 'never going away'''

"Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you." Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

The CEO of Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna warned Wednesday that the coronavirus that has brought world economies to a standstill and overwhelmed hospitals will be around “forever.” Public health officials and infectious disease experts have said there is a high likelihood that Covid-19 will become an endemic disease, meaning it will become present in communities at all times, though likely at lower levels than it is now.

But please, continue spending all your time watching the staged proceedings in Washington, and sharing QAnon emails with your friends. Keeping on thinking that Trump 'has a plan' and will 'martial the military' to have Pelosi arrested sometime over the next 5 days. Because while you're all distracted with that nonsense, no one is paying attention to what's really happening on the path to the Mark of the Beast via COVID-1984 vaccine and immunity passports. Hey, have you noticed that everything is centered around you being allowed the ability to continue 'buying and selling' stuff? Have you wonder at all why that's the focus? Wonder no more...

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)

Prepare yourself for COVID-19 immunity passports using coronavirus vaccinations, blockchain, nanotechnology and digital identification from ID2020. It's the Mark of the Beast 666 system.PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE ID2020 COVID-19 ‘IMMUNITY PASSPORT’ THAT COMBINES DIGITAL IDENTITY WITH VACCINATIONS, BLOCKCHAIN AND NANOTECHNOLOGY

Vaccine Passports Trialed in the UK, as EU Leaders Push for ‘Standardized’ COVID Travel Passes

FROM BREITBART UK: The health passport — which will come in the form of a smartphone application — has been developed by the biometric firm iProov in partnership with the cybersecurity company Mvine.

The trial is expected to be completed by March and will be overseen by two directors of public health in a local authority, yet to be announced. The stated goal of the project is to see how health passports can function as a means of tracking how many people have received the first or second dose of the vaccine.

This week has also seen almost all major British supermarkets, Tesco, Asda, Waitrose, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, and Morrisons, saying they will refuse entry to customers not wearing a mask, unless they have a medical exemption. Supermarkets like Tesco are also demanding shoppers shop alone, and several have said they have hired extra security to enforce the measures. HSBC bank has also said it will “reserve the right” to cancel the accounts of customers who refuse to wear masks inside its UK branches. source

Frank Joshi, the director and founder of Mvine told the Daily Telegraph on Tuesday: “The idea is that we are there ready and waiting in the event that we find ourselves interested in a situation where we need to prove something about ourselves.”

The chief executive of iProov, Andrew Bud claimed that it was “very important” that vaccination programmes should be tied with Britain’s socialised healthcare system, the National Health Service (NHS).

The concept of coronavirus health passports was first floated by Health Secretary Matt Hancock in April, who said at the time: “We are looking at an immunity certificate. People who have had the disease have got the antibodies and then have immunity can show that and therefore get back as much as possible to normal life.” READ MORE

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