Wednesday 20 January 2021

Joe Biden Inauguration Will Replace Live Crowds With A ‘Field Of Flags’ In Stunning Dystopian Symbolism Of The Silencing Of The American People


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Joe Biden Inauguration Will Replace Live Crowds With A ‘Field Of Flags’ In Stunning Dystopian Symbolism Of The Silencing Of The American People

by Geoffrey Grider


This 'field of flags' represents not patriotism but the silencing of each and every America voice that would rise up to expose this tyranny now playing out before us.

They tell us that Joe Biden received more votes than the first black president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. In fact, they want us to believe that creepy Joe Biden, a man with less personality than a cadaver and who conducted a lazy and uninspired campaign from his basement, received more votes than any other president in the history of the United States. Now this most popular 'man of the people' is too afraid to conduct his inauguration in front of the very people they claim elected him, and is replacing the people with a 'field of flags'.

"This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it." Daniel 5:26 (KJB)

The entire fake news media is operating a full capacity today, filling the cyberverse with endless stories created to make you believe that this is the 'greatest display of patriotism' since 1776. That's how the snow blows, is it? Am I expected to swallow the lie that removing witnesses to the greatest crime in American history is somehow patriotic? Don't kid me, man, go kid your grandma. This 'field of flags' represents not patriotism but the silencing of each and every America voice that would rise up to expose this tyranny now playing out before us. The last world leader to use this many flags at one time was Adolf Hitler, go look it up. And while you're at it, go look up Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJB), that'll tell you what's going on.

adolf-hitler-nazi-germany-field-of-flags-joe-biden-reichAdolf Hitler Had A 'Field Of Flags', Too. How Did That Work Out?

The Democrats have weaponized the events of January 6th, blown them massively out of proportion, and have used that as the excuse they needed to turn Washington DC into a military zone. Now that Posse Comitatus has been sent on hiatus, what does the America of the future look like? Well, it looks a whole lot like Nazi Germany, and January 6th was their Reichstag Fire.

'It was a bright, cold day in January, and the clocks were striking thirteen.' Say goodnight, George.


Stunning Images Show A 'Field Of Flags' Replacing The Witness Of  The America People

FROM THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE: The U.S. Capitol building is prepared for the inauguration ceremonies for President-elect Joe Biden as the "Field of Flags" are illuminated on the ground on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Between the still-raging coronavirus pandemic and a suddenly very real threat of violence, the inauguration of Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris promises to be one of the most unusual in American history.

Planners had originally sought to retain some time-honored aspects of a normal inauguration, just less crowded and within the boundaries of COVID-19 protocols, but plans changed in the wake of the violent Jan. 6 mob attack on the Capitol. READ MORE

Top 5 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True

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