Saturday 16 January 2021

Joe Biden’s First Day In Office Will Take A Shot At God By Enacting Legislation To Officially Remove The Biblical Two Genders And Sign The Equality Act


New post on Now The End Begins

Joe Biden’s First Day In Office Will Take A Shot At God By Enacting Legislation To Officially Remove The Biblical Two Genders And Sign The Equality Act

by Geoffrey Grider


President-elect Joe Biden vowed to his supporters that, on his first day in office, he will begin removing any legal recognition of the two sexes by adopting pro-transgender polices.

Joe Biden wants America to know that right from day one of his brief rule as president, he will no longer put up with any of this 'two genders' nonsense that the bible tells us God created back in Genesis. His first official act will be to restore Obama-era polices that provide for things like men in dresses being allowed to be in the ladies room at the same time as your 8-year old daughter is in there. Joe Biden says he will 'draw on his strong Catholic faith' to be a president for 'all Americans'. Hmm.

"This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." Genesis 5:1,2 (KJB)

America 2021 will officially be turned into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, where all manner of evil and wickedness is not merely tolerated, not merely accepted, but now will be formally codified into the law of the United States. Every other nation in human history that reached the point that we are at right now was destroyed, America will be no different. The empires of Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome all collapsed when they made laws to protect and promote the things that God hates. You cannot do that and get away with it, God will not allow it.

God made only two genders, male and female, if you can show me genders different from those two, then they were created by Satan. It is a demonic delusion to believe that you can change what is hard-coded into your DNA, identifying as your fantasy does not turn that fantasy into reality. A man can no more become a woman than he could a dog, cat or farm animal.

Joe Biden will take his opening shot, not against Donald Trump, but against Jehovah God. How do you think that'll work out? Welcome to Obama's third term.

Joe Biden Day 1: Order on Transgender Rights in Sports and Bathrooms

FROM BREITBART NEWS: The Obama-era “guidance” dismissed the science of two biological sexes by allowing “sex discrimination” in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) to include “discrimination based on a student’s gender identity, including discrimination based on a student’s transgender status.”

In October, Biden also gave support for transgender medical treatments for children who may suffer from the psychological disorder known as gender dysphoria. He said during an ABC town hall that eight-year-old children should be allowed to decide if they are transgender.

“The idea that an eight-year-old child, a ten-year-old child, decides, you know, ‘I want to be transgender.’ That’s what I think I’d like to be. It’d make my life a lot easier,’” the future president said. “There should be zero discrimination.”

Biden has also promised to sign the Equality Act into law in his first 100 days, a measure that would remove federal  recognition of two sexes.

The Equality Act will codify into federal law transgender bathrooms, the elimination of women-only sports, forcing preferred pronoun use, and other similar special transgender privileges.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already signaled she is in step with the Equality Act becoming law. On January 1, she revealed that the House’s new rules would include the elimination of gendered terms, such as “father, mother, son, and daughter,” – any term that reflects the male and female sexes.

As Breitbart News reported, the new rules would require Congress to “honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral.” Biden will take office on Wednesday, January 20. READ MORE

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