Wednesday 10 June 2020


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Some readers reported over the past couple of days that they were unable to access my posts linked on this newsletter. This was due to a technical problem with my website, which affected some readers but not others and has now been resolved. You should all now be able to access my posts linked below. My apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you all for your patience and continued support.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Viktor Vasnetsov, 1848-1926
The violence, looting and anarchy that followed the death of George Floyd pinned beneath a police officer's knee have been justified as a "protest" against police racism. Read me here on how "victim culture" is itself racist and tears up Jewish moral norms.
Police officer "taking a knee" outside Downing Street, London
When people in London demonstrating over Floyd's death shouted at police “take a knee”, four officers meekly did as demanded. Read me here on a sickening surrender of western civilised values.
Liberty Leading the People; Eugene Delacroix, 1830
The rioting and carnage across the United States over the past week has had precious little to do with the shocking event that triggered such mayhem. Click here for my take on the deeper point that such behaviour makes about America.
Blake Dante-Divine-Comedy-1757-1827
Dante, Divine Comedy; William Blake,1757-1827
Boris Johnson's proposal for an alliance of democracies to counter the dominance of Chinese technology has much potential. To access my Times column (£) on the need for free societies to band together, please click here.

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