Thursday 4 June 2020

THE HYPOCRITES ARE NOW EVEN KILLING THEIR OWN BLACK PEOPLE - The Truth Is That ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Rioters Are Burning Down Black-Owned Businesses And Murdering African Americans Like David Dorn

New post on Now The End Begins

The Truth Is That ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Rioters Are Burning Down Black-Owned Businesses And Murdering African Americans Like David Dorn

by Geoffrey Grider


To the cowardly criminals of ANTIFA and BLack Lives Matter, David Dorn does not matter, black or not, because they do not value human life.

I am a white guy, and I come from what the Liberals would call a privileged position, and today I want to use that position of privilege to say the name of a black man whom I never met, David Dorn, and tell the world that his life mattered because all lives matter. These riots by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are destroying the livelihood of black business owners, and taking the lives of black American citizens. David Dorn is not the only black man killed in these riots, there have been many more. Why is no one standing up to protest that? You are all hypocrites, that's why.
"From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." James 4:1-3 (KJB)
There are two very different reactions happening right now to the death of George Floyd, one is a rightful movement protesting police brutality, and I agree with those people to a very high degree. Police need to follow the sames laws that everyone else has to follow, they are not above it. I agree with the people who are peacefully protesting the death of George Floyd. But there is a second grouping that has inserted themselves into the mix - ANTIFA and BLack Lives Matter - and they are destroying black-owned businesses and killing black people.
David Dorn was a retired police officer from St. Louis, and he spent over 40 years putting his life on the line everyday for the people of his community. David Dorn was a black man. David Dorn was gunned down and left to die alone in a pool of his own blood, who killed him? Black Lives Matter looters, that's who. Say his name, David Dorn. Now say the name of the group who murdered him, Black Lives Matter.
  • David Dorn Was Murdered By Black Lives Matter Looters
His life mattered too.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) June 3, 2020
  • How Many More Blacks Will Die At The Rioter's Blood-Stained Hands?
Black Americans Killed in Riots Across American Cities via @BreitbartNews
— 🦋 MARYANA 🦋 (@KentuckyGoddess) June 3, 2020
So if everyone right now from coast to coast is literally screaming that "BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!" how come no one but white people are standing up for David Dorn? He was black, how come his life doesn't matter in the least bit to ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter? Because to the cowardly criminals of ANTIFA and BLack Lives Matter, David Dorn does not matter, black or not, because they do not value human life.

Black D.C. Resident Tells Far-Left Group Black Lives Matter To ‘Go to Chicago’

“I don’t want our country to be portrayed like this,” said an African-now-American citizen, pointing to a group of George Floyd protesters in downtown Washington, DC, Sunday. Nestride Yumga, a D.C. resident, was told to shut up and leave when she voiced her opinion that Black Lives Matter protesters are “hypocrites.” “When black people kill black people, they don’t come out and do this crap.”

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