Tuesday 9 June 2020

Russia's Dangerous New Military Doctrine - Nuclear Strike First Response

Russia's Dangerous New Military Doctrine - Nuclear Strike First Response
President Vladimir Putin has signed into effect a new Russian military doctrine, allowing him to order a nuclear weapons strike in response to an attack using conventional weapons. The new rules also allow the Russian military to use its nuclear weapons if it gets "reliable information" about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies.
Separating The Value Of Black Lives From The BLM Political Movement
I have some good news for you. You can stand against racial inequality without embracing the entire platform of Black Lives Matter. You can oppose racism without making Al Sharpton your spokesman. You can decry police brutality without calling for the defunding of the police. You can stand for what is right while rejecting what you feel is wrong.

An American 'Intifada'? BDS Tries To Hijack BLM
At a moment when virtually everyone is outraged at the death of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement risks alienating sympathetic conservatives by aligning itself with the Palestinian intifada movement against Israel.
Ridiculous - Progressive Prof Condemns 'Bias' Of Wedding Photos In Zoom Meetings
This stuff may seem laughable, but a generation is getting taught by folks who genuinely believe that wedding photos in the background of a zoom meeting are evidence of an unconscious bias.

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