Monday 1 June 2020

Pro-Fascist Terrorist Group ANTIFA Reach Trump’s White House At Midnight, Setting Dozen Of Businesses On Fire All Around Washington DC

New post on Now The End Begins

Pro-Fascist Terrorist Group ANTIFA Reach Trump’s White House At Midnight, Setting Dozen Of Businesses On Fire All Around Washington DC

by Geoffrey Grider


Midnight ANTIFA violence erupted within two blocks of the White House Saturday night while U.S. Park Police, the Secret Service and the National Guard defended a perimeter around nearby Lafayette Square.

In the movie 'Olympus Has Fallen' it shows the gut-wrenching scene of the White House being taken over by outside forces as the military seem helpless to stop it. Tonight that scene came stunningly close to real life as pro-fascist terror group ANTIFA took over Washington, and came pretty close to breaching the line of defense at the White House. So close, in fact, that if ANTIFA keeps at just a few nights longer, they might just be able to get inside the White House. Impossible, you say? You need to take a look at the videos below to see how easy it was to set the town on fire without hardly working up a sweat.
Kinda funny that people like Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, Bill Gates and all the others have gone silent during all this, isn't it? I thought the global COVID-19 pandemic was going to kill us all? What happened to that, and what happened to the fear merchants? Easy answer...they played their parts and are now taking a break as George Soros and his demonic minions play theirs. It's all fake, it's all staged, this is the Civil War we told you was coming. Remember how easy it was to make all of America going into a toilet paper buying frenzy? What's happening right now is really easy, too.

Violence Erupts Near White House

FROM VOA: As pepper spray pushed back hundreds of protesters, vandals smashed windows of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute in the 1400 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, two banks and numerous other businesses within blocks of the White House.
Small fires were set inside two restaurants by looters across the street from the White House Historical Association, off Lafayette Square, and multistory scaffolding was also set on fire in a portion of the nearby U.S. Chamber of Commerce building under construction. Several vehicles parked on streets in the neighborhood were also vandalized and set alight.
Terrorist group ANTIFA outside the White House lighting St. Johns Church on Fire and ripping down its American flag.
St. John’s was built in 1816 every president since Madison has worshiped there.
Abe Lincoln prayed in this building.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 1, 2020
The Washington fire department responded to the larger fires, but witnesses said local police were conspicuously absent as the vandalism occurred, some of it playing out on live local and national television. The scene in downtown Washington on Saturday night and into Sunday morning mirrored events in dozens of other American cities.
The unrest followed what had been generally peaceful protests across the country in the days after the death in Minneapolis of 46-year-old George Floyd, an African American man who was pinned to the ground for more than eight minutes by a white police officer who knelt on his neck.
Curfews have been imposed in at least 25 cities in 16 U.S. states. In Washington late Friday and early Saturday, protesters between Lafayette Square and the White House threw bricks and rocks at uniformed Secret Service officers while demonstrators repeatedly knocked over security barriers on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Numerous officers and agents were injured, according to the Secret Service.
“No individual crossed the White House Fence and no Secret Service protectees were ever in danger,” according to a Secret Service statement.The protective perimeter around the White House was enlarged on Saturday to a roughly six-block area. READ MORE

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