Tuesday 2 June 2020

President Trump Orders The Military To Immediately Deploy To Washington DC To Repel ANTIFA Forces, Says Will Deploy Nationwide If Needed

New post on Now The End Begins

President Trump Orders The Military To Immediately Deploy To Washington DC To Repel ANTIFA Forces, Says Will Deploy Nationwide If Needed

by Geoffrey Grider


An active duty military police battalion consisting of 200 to 250 military personnel is now in the process of deploying to Washington, DC, and could be in the nation's capital as soon as tonight to repel ANTIFA forces.

After an optically-disastrous weekend of sending  mixed messaging, President Trump today seems to have found his footing. In one of his shortest speeches on record, Trump announced that he is officially ordering active duty military be deployed to Washington, DC, to reclaim the streets from ANTIFA forces to stop the looting, rioting, arson and physical assaults that have been the hallmark of the 'peaceful protests' of the radical Left.
This is not martial law per se, pretty close to it, but Trump is out of options at this point. Left unchecked, I feel the ANTIFA forces would have breached the White House in the next day or two. Since the military will now be on the streets, they need to show George Soros and company what liberty looks like. The fine men and women of the United States Armed Forces need to release a little 'shock-and-awe' and make the ANTIFA forces pay a price for their rebellion.

Active duty US military forces staged in the DC area in case needed to bolster security

FROM CNN: The troops are expected to provide security in the nation's capital but not perform law enforcement duties such as arrest and detention of protesters or rioters.
Two defense officials said the troops will be coming from a unit at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Because of Washington, DC's unique status, the deployment does not require local authorization.
There is no indication that President Trump is invoking the Insurrection Act, which is not required due to the fact that the forces will not be performing law enforcement actions.
The Pentagon did not immediately respond for request for comment. READ MORE

President Trump Delivers Remarks On ANTIFA Terrorists

The president's speech begins at the 23:30 mark of this video. 

Antifa Is The World’s Most ‘Fascist Orwellian Organisation’

Sky News host Rowan Dean says ANTIFA is an “Orwellian organisation” who paints themselves as against tyrannical government but are “themselves the most fascist organisation” on the planet.

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