Wednesday 10 June 2020

PLANNED IN ADVANCE - The Leftist Riots That Began In Minneapolis Were Planned Long Before George Floyd Was Killed On The Street That Day With A Knee On His Neck

New post on Now The End Begins

The Leftist Riots That Began In Minneapolis Were Planned Long Before George Floyd Was Killed On The Street That Day With A Knee On His Neck

by Geoffrey Grider


Today we show you the proof that the riots that sprang out of Minneapolis and around the world were fueled by anarchist groups like the Sunrise Movement, and that their plan is nothing less than the overthrow of law and order in America, and the creation of a Communist United States.

The speed in which the protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police morphed into highly-funded and well organized riots that saw whole city blocks go up in flames was not only astounding, if you were paying attention, it was also suspicious. Highly suspicious. And for those of you aware and awake, you know that the Left had multiple NGO's and social justice groups, funded by George Soros, chomping at the bit for an excuse to wreak havoc. The death of George Floyd was that excuse, and today, we bring you proof.
In 2010, George Soros gave $100 million dollars to Open Society Foundations, a a radical, Leftist social justice group he created back in 1979. But that is chump change when you realize that over the years he has given them over $32 billion dollars, and that Open Society Foundation exists in 120 different countries. On the surface, they do charitable work, but all that is a cover for their real mission, social anarchy. Having this veneer of charitable respectability allows Soros  to funnel all that cash down many levels, until the funds find their way into the bank accounts of groups like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter and many other anarchist groups. Read more about Open Society Foundations on their site.
Today we show you the proof that the riots that sprang out of Minneapolis and around the world were fueled by anarchist groups connected to George Soros, and that their plan is nothing less than the overthrow of law and order in America, and the creation of a Communist United States. Take a look at a group called the Sunrise Movement, and see how this group and other groups just like them are plotting the overthrow of America.

The Sunrise Movement and the Preplanned Minneapolis Riots

What you are about to see is part of a two year undercover investigation into the leftist radicalization imbedded within the climate justice movement that contributed to the riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this first video, we are going to show how the Sunrise Movement played a preemptive role in carrying out the mayhem to further push their Green New Deal agenda and promoting the abolition of the police.

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