Wednesday 17 June 2020

Elon Musk And SpaceX Launched 58 Starlink Satellites And Three Planet SkySats Into Orbit On June 13 To Begin Circling The Planet With Internet

New post on Now The End Begins

Elon Musk And SpaceX Launched 58 Starlink Satellites And Three Planet SkySats Into Orbit On June 13 To Begin Circling The Planet With Internet

by Geoffrey Grider


SpaceX has permission from the US government to launch up to 42,000 StarLink satellites into orbit around the Earth, creating an internet web circling the world.

Elon Musk is riding high these days, on a wave of technological success not seen from a single person since perhaps the days of Tesla and Edison. Seemingly everything he puts his hand to succeeds beyond even his wildest expectations, he seems to have a limitless source of power and inspiration. Does that come from God, or is it coming from the 'other guy'? Let's take a look.
"And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." Genesis 11:5-7 (KJB)
If God was the source of the inspiration of Elon Musk, it would stand to reason that Musk would be giving Him the glory, which he clearly is not. Elon Musk credits himself for his accomplishments. Secondly, his baby mama, performance artist Grimes, recently entered into a legally-binding contract to sell her soul to the highest bidder. No joke. Lastly, they named their baby  X Æ A-12, whom the couple refers to as “Little X.” There is something very wrong with this picture, and I think you know where I am headed with his.
Elon Musk has a company called Neuralink, which is working to build the first commercial implantable microchip to connect your brain to your computer. He is already on record as saying that man is already a cyborg, and that it is his life's work to help complete that mission. Now he's launching StarLink satellites to cover the world with Internet. His inventions and accomplishments are both breathtaking and prophetical, and will form a main beam in the end times platform of the One World Government and the New World Order. That's where Elon Musk is heading, and he's almost there.

'Every point on the Earth's surface will see, at all times, a SpaceX StarLink satellite.'

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: A series of stunning images posted online reveal the beautiful SpaceX launch which took off over the weekend against a pre-dawn backdrop of a burgeoning sunrise.
The images posted by space fans in their gardens snapped what the 5:21 a.m. EDT (10:21 GMT) launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida on June 13 looked like from the US's east coast.
Successful deployment of 60 Starlink satellites confirmed
— SpaceX (@SpaceX) April 22, 2020
Sunlight was beginning to light the sky and beams of sunlight spectacularly illuminated the exhaust fumes produced by the rocket as it soared into the atmosphere.  The rocket launch by the Elon Musk-owned SpaceX took 58 Starlink satellites and three Planet SkySats into orbit as the mission went off without a hitch.
'Once fully deployed, the SpaceX system will pass over virtually all parts of the Earth's surface and therefore, in principle, have the ability to provide ubiquitous global service,' the firm said. 'Every point on the Earth's surface will see, at all times, a SpaceX StarLink satellite.'
However, while the SpaceX launches always produce great photos, this one had an extra surprise in store for onlookers, due to an unexpected celestial influence. Journalist Amy Thompson watched the early-morning event and described it as a 'nebula hanging in the sky'.
No Words Just Retweet 😍#SpaceX
— Science & Space (@ScienceIsNew) June 14, 2020
Others took to Twitter to express their delight. One user wrote: 'What a sight to see this morning! So glad I was awake for this!'
Another posted: 'Stunning rainbow after recent SpaceX Starlink 8 launch'. One user, called Ashley, said: 'What a sight to see this morning! So glad I was awake for this! #SpaceX'
SpaceX used the unusual launch window because it is accelerating the rate of launches as it tried to get Starlink operational.
This was the second batch to go into orbit this month and a third is due on June 22, taking the total amount of satellites in the constellation to around 600,
SpaceX has permission from the US government to launch up to 42,000 satellites into orbit around the Earth. By the end of June, SpaceX will have carried out four Falcon 9 rocket launches in a month - including the three Starlink launches and the NASA crewed mission. READ MORE

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