Wednesday 3 June 2020

Contact Tracing: Trojan Horse For Real Time Mass Surveillance


Contact Tracing: Trojan Horse For Real Time Mass Surveillance
Privacy rights groups have been raising concerns about the legality of mass surveillance for more than a decade. What the pandemic has done, however, is provide an excuse for governments to justify the mass collection of geo-location data.
What Will Be The Arab Response To Extending Israeli Sovereignty?
The prospect of Israel extending its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, has raised questions over what the response by the Palestinian Authority and Jordan would be as both would be directly affected by such a move.
Pain & Hope - A Divided Nation At The Crossroads
At the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King, Jr. stared out across an ocean of peaceful protestors and urged, "We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline," rioters claiming to want that same justice splashed black paint along the steps. It was an act of cowardice in a monument to healing -- a disgrace to the man who looked out over that pool and had a very different vision than the reflection we see today.
Cyberwars - Iran Tries To Poison Israel's Water Supply
Iranian hackers tried to trick Israeli computers into raising the chlorine content in the country's water supply to dangerous levels, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

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