Friday 12 June 2020

CHAZ: Corrupt Liberal Politicians Who Run Seattle Are Allowing ANTIFA Rioters To Remain In Control Of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

New post on Now The End Begins

CHAZ: Corrupt Liberal Politicians Who Run Seattle Are Allowing ANTIFA Rioters To Remain In Control Of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

by Geoffrey Grider


On Monday, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan announced that police at the city’s East Precinct would be leaving the area and reopening streets that had been blocked off for almost two weeks. It didn’t take long before what’s become known as the 'Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone' known as CHAZ began to take shape.

For many years now, ANTIFA fascists have had areas in Washington and Oregon, states run by far-Left Liberals, who actively worked on the side of ANTIFA to shield and protect them from law enforcement, and allow their riots to have a home base. We have been bringing you those stories for quite awhile, click here for a memory refresh. But what is happening now has gone well past mere riots and attacks on the elderly, and have morphed into armed camps of resistance like CHAZ - the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Welcome to Hell on earth.
"An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him." Proverbs 17:11 (KJB)
The idea that American citizens would do this is repugnant enough, but then to realize that elected political leaders are providing cover for them is quite stunning. It begs the questions of 1). just how deep does this rebellion go, 2). who is funding it, and 3). how far are they willing to take it? I believe the answers would be 1). rotten to the core, 2). George Soros, and 3). until they take power. Speaking of the days of slavery, this is the internal rebellion that Abraham Lincoln warned us about.
In typical deceived Liberal thinking, these ANTIFA squatters haven't built anything, they have simply taken things that other people - hard working, decent, law abiding people - have built, stolen it and claimed it for their own. They call themselves autonomous, but in reality they exist in the same relationstion to the CHAZ as a parasite does to its host.

A look inside Seattle’s newly-formed ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’

FROM MY NORTHWEST: Barriers originally set up by police have been repurposed to set up the borders of the zone. What used to be the Seattle Police Department on the corner of 12th and Pine now reads “Seattle People Department.”
KIRO Radio’s Hanna Scott and Nicole Jennings spent time in the “CHAZ” Tuesday, watching for hours as a hundred or so people began setting up tents, putting up signs, and preparing to set up camp as part of their ongoing protest against police brutality.
Why are people doubting the involvement of antifa in the Seattle occupation? All the main antifa accounts on social media are expressing support for it and calling for comrades to help it continue. Many are tweeting/posting from the "autonomous zone" itself.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 11, 2020
“It was a really energetic day — it was very peaceful,” Hanna reported. “Really a whole different vibe than I’d seen the other nights I’ve been there, a very peaceful experience, almost like a street fair honestly.”
Reporting early in the afternoon Tuesday, Nicole also described free food and medical aid available for demonstrators on every corner. Some food and supplies were also distributed to the homeless population in the surrounding area. The group even reportedly organized its own garbage collection Wednesday morning.
Streets surrounding the #EastPrecinct- now known by protesters as the Capitol Hill Free Zone - are free of cars and police. Stands with food and medical aid are on every corner, along with tents for protesters who spend the night. #CapitolHill #Seattleprotest #Seattle
— Nicole Jennings (@nicoleKIROFM) June 9, 2020
Later on in the night, a projector screen was set up, as the crowd gathered to watch Ava DuVernay’s documentary on systemic racism in the U.S. prison system, 13th. News of that reached DuVernay herself, who gave the group a shoutout on Twitter.
The crowd stationed at 12th and Pine is trying to prove in can operate on its own without the police no longer occupying the East Precinct.
“Their position is that they can take care of themselves,” Hanna said.
The group also recently published a lengthy 30-point list of demands for Seattle City Council and the Mayor’s Office. Some go far beyond what councilmembers like Teresa Mosqueda and Kshama Sawant have proposed in recent days, including a call to “abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus.”
Other demands on the list are more wide-ranging, including rent control, restoration of city arts funding, and free college across Washington state. Speakers throughout the day addressed smaller-scale changes as well, including one who stressed the importance of investing in black-owned businesses.
It’s unclear how long the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone will be allowed to remain in the area around 12th and Pine, or even how long police plan to stay out of the East Precinct. In the meantime, though, the crowd appears hunkered down for the long run. READ MORE

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