Sunday 14 June 2020

ATLANTA BURNS And Is On Edge After Cop Shoots Black Man Who Stole Stun Gun At Wendy’s Which Is Now Burning To The Ground As Angry Mobs Protest

New post on Now The End Begins

Atlanta On Edge After Cop Shoots Black Man Who Stole Stun Gun At Wendy’s Which Is Now Burning To The Ground As Angry Mobs Protest

by Geoffrey Grider


The Atlanta police officer who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks has been terminated, Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos tells CNN. A second officer involved has been placed on administrative leave, Campos said.

From my perspective, it's almost like both sides are doing all this on purpose it seems so staged. How much longer can this go on and where will it all end? America seems engulfed by racial riots and protests from coast to coast, and it is even right now raging in FranceEngland and in many other nations around the world. You really have to hand it to the New World Order elites, when they stage an event, they really do it in grand style. Race riots, global lockdowns, crashing economies, digital IDs, what could possible be next? Oh, that's right.
"For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJB)
On the COVID-19 front, NTEB reader Lori M. wrote and told me earlier today that a family member was scheduled for knee surgery in Ohio, and the new regulations state that all patients must  tested for COVID-19, and if positive, must submit to a vaccination. The New World Order is hitting us from all angles to weaken our resolve and break our will. They know that people exposed to a constant state of crisis eventually weaken and give in. Anything to stop the crisis and restore order. Peace at any price is no peace at all, and there is no peace coming anytime soon.

Atlanta officer who fatally shot Rayshard Brooks has been terminated

FROM CNN: Protesters flooded streets of southeast Atlanta Saturday night, angry over the deadly police-involved shooting of a black man at a fast-food restaurant the night before. The protesters surrounded the Wendy's where 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks was shot and then made their way to nearby Interstate 75/85, bringing the major thoroughfare to a standstill.
The Wendy's where Brooks lost his life was in flames Saturday night, and a crowd also set fire to automobiles near the fast-food restaurant. Earlier in the day, police used tear gas and a flash bang to try to clear the crowd there. The chaos came after Atlanta's police chief stepped down and the mayor called for the officer who shot Brooks to be fired. Brooks was shot in the Wendy's parking lot Friday night after he scuffled with officers and ran away with one of their stun guns, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
The incident began with a call to police at 10:33 p.m. Friday about a man sleeping in a parked vehicle in the restaurant's drive-thru lane, causing other customers to drive around it, the GBI said in a statement. Police gave Brooks a field sobriety test, which he failed, the GBI said. He resisted arrest and struggled with officers, the GBI said.
The GBI is releasing surveillance video showing the exchange between Atlanta Police Officers and Rayshard Brooks from Wendy’s restaurant - Atlanta OIS 6.12.20
— GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) June 13, 2020
GBI Director Vic Reynolds said Saturday that his department obtained surveillance video of the incident from Wendy's and reviewed video that witnesses posted on social media. CNN obtained two videos of the incident, including surveillance video from Wendy's released by the GBI. The other video was provided by an eyewitness who CNN is not naming because they requested anonymity due to privacy concerns.
The video from the eyewitness begins in the middle of the struggle between Brooks and two police officers. In the video, an officer is heard telling Brooks to "stop fighting" and "hands off the taser." The eyewitness told CNN that by the time they arrived on the scene, Brooks' car was parked in a parking spot.
"The fight started when they tried to make an arrest ... after that he took a taser and took off," the witness said. As the scuffle broke up, the video shows Brooks beginning to run from the officers and he is seen holding what appears to be a stun gun in his right hand. It appears one of the officers fires their stun gun at Brooks three times as he runs away.

Witnesses told GBI investigators that Brooks had one of the officer's stun guns.

Shortly after Brooks and one of the officers run by the car of the eyewitness taking the video, a second officer runs by, following Brooks.
Three shots are then heard out of frame.
The Wendy's surveillance video doesn't show the scuffle, but shows Brooks running away from where police cars are parked. In that video, Brooks appears to point the stun gun at the Atlanta officer.
"At that point the Atlanta officer reaches down and retrieves his weapon from his holster, discharges it, strikes Mr. Brooks there on the parking lot and he goes down," Reynolds, the GBI director, said in a press conference on Saturday.
The eyewitness is heard saying in additional video obtained by CNN that Brooks was still breathing as he lay on the ground. Brooks was taken to a hospital, where he died, the statement said. One officer was treated for an injury and released, the GBI said. READ MORE

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