Friday 10 April 2020

With The World Distracted From COVID-19 Hysteria, Convicted Catholic Child Molester Cardinal George Pell Released From Prison As Pope Celebrates

New post on Now The End Begins

With The World Distracted From COVID-19 Hysteria, Convicted Catholic Child Molester Cardinal George Pell Released From Prison As Pope Celebrates

by Geoffrey Grider

The Vatican responded in a measured way to the decision by Australia’s High Court on April 7 to overturn the conviction of Cardinal George Pell on charges of sexually assaulting minors, enabling him to leave prison.

The Vatican responded in a measured way to the decision by Australia’s High Court on April 7 to overturn the conviction of Cardinal George Pell on charges of sexually assaulting minors, enabling him to leave prison.

Pope Francis is a remarkably evil man, and his wickedness seemingly knows no bounds. We have told you here on NTEB how Pope Francis has repeatedly refused to stop pedophile priests from molesting young boys and girls, even going so far as to cover it up and then lie about it. He even told a man named Juan Carlos Cruz, who was raped in Chile by Roman Catholic priest Fernando Karadima, that is was "ok to be gay" after being repeatedly assaulted by a homosexual pedophile priest. This is the level at the bottom of the gutter that Pope Francis feels most at home in.
Now do you see why the hosts of Heaven REJOICE when God destroys the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Whore of Babylon in the Tribulation? Heaven rejoices because Rome in every form has always been the enemy of God and God's blood-bought people. Amen.
"And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her." Revelation 18 (KJB)
Now that you're up to speed, let's look at today's most-recent Vatican abomination. Last year, Cardinal George Pell was arrested, tried by a jury of his peers, convicted and sent to prison for sexually molesting two young boys. Pope Francis was, in spite of the clear evidence, Pell's biggest defender. Remember, this was no small matter, Cardinal George Pell was the third highest-ranking member of the Vatican! Did you really think the Great Whore would allow him to stay in prison? Nope.
Pope Francis has recalled the “persecution that Jesus suffered” and has prayed for those who suffer “unjust sentences” hours after Australia’s highest court acquitted cardinal George Pell of child sexual abuseREAD MORE
While all the world has been fatally distracted in a COVID-19 frenzy, an Australian court quietly overturned his rightful conviction, acquitted him and set him free. How did Pope Francis respond? By comparing the imprisoning of convicted Roman Catholic child molester Cardinal George Pell to the 'sufferings of Jesus'. That's all I can write on this subject for now, as the vomit is backing up in my throat and I need to go spit and rinse. But before I go, let me say this. As someone who was molested sexually as a small child by a pedophile man, I understand a little of what that pain is all about,and how it stays with you for the rest of your life.
My heart breaks for everyone who has been assaulted in that way. But to look at Pope Francis, and know how he covers for pedophile priests, works to keep justice from being served, and then rejoices when they are set free because of political favors and pressures, that to me, is Antichrist in the flesh. Now, I really need to go rinse off from this story.

Vatican responds with measure to Cardinal Pell’s acquittal and release from prison

FROM AMERICAN MAGAZINE: In a statement issued in English, Italian and Spanish shortly after midday in Rome, the Vatican press office said:
The Holy See, which has always expressed confidence in the Australian judicial authority, welcomes the High Court’s unanimous decision concerning Cardinal George Pell, acquitting him of the accusations of abuse of minors and overturning his sentence. Entrusting his case to the court’s justice, Cardinal Pell has always maintained his innocence and has waited for the truth to be ascertained. At the same time, the Holy See reaffirms its commitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors.
The statement closely mirrored earlier statements in March 2019, when the cardinal was condemned and sentenced to six years in prison, and in August 2019, when the Victoria Court of Appeal rejected his appeal against the conviction. It reaffirmed its confidence in the Australian justice system, welcomed “the unanimous” decision of the High Court to acquit the cardinal and overturn his conviction and, significantly, reaffirmed “its commitment to preventing and pursuing all cases of abuse against minors.”
Pedophile Priests and the Coverup of Sexual Abuse by the Vatican and the Roman Catholic ChurchCLICK TO READ ALL ABOUT THE PEDOPHILE PRIEST FACTORY OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
The Vatican statement made no reference to the investigation into the allegations of abuse against Cardinal Pell, which the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith opened following the conviction and sentencing of the cardinal in March 2019. The Vatican said then that its investigation would not go ahead until the judicial process in Australia had ended. Some sources in Rome think the Vatican inquiry may be terminated given the fact that the cardinal has spent over 400 days in solitary confinement on charges for which he has now been acquitted by the High Court.
Earlier that morning, in his introduction to Mass in the chapel of Santa Marta, the Vatican guesthouse where he lives, Pope Francis spoke about those who suffer “unjust sentences” in a comment that was interpreted by many in the Vatican as alluding to what had happened to Cardinal Pell, though the pope never mentioned his name. (He used the Italian expression “una sentenza per l’accanimento,” which could be translated as “a decision that is unjust due to hostile prejudice”).
Francis said, “In these days of Lent we have seen the persecution that Jesus suffered and how the doctors of the law went relentlessly against him, and he was judged ferociously, even though he was innocent.” He concluded with these words: “I would like to pray today for all those persons that suffer an unjust sentence out of rage.” In a tweet published later, the last three words were translated as “because someone had it in for them.”
Cardinal George Pell, 78, was being held in Barwon prison in Geelong, a community 47 miles southwest of Melbourne, when he was informed by his lawyers of the High Court’s decision to overturn his conviction and acquit him. The seven judges, in a unanimous decision that overturned the cardinal’s convictions, commented, “There is a significant possibility that an innocent person has been convicted because the evidence did not establish guilt to the requisite standard of proof.”
Some two hours later, the cardinal was driven from the prison to a Carmelite convent in the Melbourne suburb of Kew, where, as could be seen in a video posted in various media, a religious sister welcomed him and led him inside. He is likely to stay at the convent for some time due to the travel restrictions imposed by Australian authorities because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Cardinal Pell issued a statement after his release in which he thanked everyone who had prayed for him and sent letters of support, as well as his family, his “team of advisers,” “friends and supporters here and overseas,” and especially his “legal team for their support.” READ MORE

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