Saturday 11 April 2020

Still Don’t Think All What’s Happening Isn’t God’s Judgment? Prepare For Giant Asian Hornets All Across The United States Who Can Kill With 1 Sting

New post on Now The End Begins

Still Don’t Think All What’s Happening Isn’t God’s Judgment? Prepare For Giant Asian Hornets All Across The United States Who Can Kill With 1 Sting

by Geoffrey Grider

Giant Asian hornets that have begun to invade the coronavirus-stricken U.S. may cost the economy millions of dollars a year.

Giant Asian hornets that have begun to invade the coronavirus-stricken U.S. may cost the economy millions of dollars a year. The insects, which can kill with a single sting, may have a devastating impact on the already dwindling honeybee population in the U.S.

China gave the world the Wuhan Coronavirus, which has to date caused 1,634,014 infections with 97,715 deaths around the world. But this is not the only thing we have received from China. Back in 2004, China 'accidentally released' giants asian hornets who look like they jumped off the pages of Revelation, and out of the bottomless pit of Hell. April is their hatching season, and here in the United States it has been predicted we could see massive swarms of the disgusting insects. Just another day at work when you're living in the end times.
"And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." Revelation 9:10,11 (KJB)
At some point, all this coronavirus hysteria will be behind us, but if you thinking about things 'returning to normal', disabuse yourself of that quaint notion immediately. The entire world has been catapulted by the absolute authority of bible prophecy into the 'next phase' of God's judgment on this sin-cursed and sin-sick world. Nothing will ever be the same again. Playtime is over, kiddies, and we who are saved are getting ready to fly out of here on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines. But for those who will be left behind, it won't be 'lions, and tigers and bears, oh my!', it will be locusts from the bottomless pit, the walking undead and Antichrist. Are you ready for what comes next?

Giant Asian hornets that can ‘kill with a single sting’ to invade virus-stricken US

FROM THE SUN UK: Experts estimate the pests may cause America a staggering $29.3 million as they invade. The invasion is projected as a coronavirus-stricken U.S. is already facing economic setbacks. Millions are out of work – with nearly 17 million applying for unemployment in the last three weeks alone – as more than 432,000 cases of the virus have been confirmed in the U.S. alone Many experts have warned of a looming recession, as businesses have been forced to shutter their doors due to stay-at-home orders.
Asian hornets are similar to European hornets that live in the U.S., but they are not native to America. They are large insects measuring almost 2in long, originally from Southeast Asia, that prey on small creatures - especially bees.
"Just one sting is enough to kill someone allergic to their venom."
The yellow-legged critters were accidentally introduced to France from China in 2004 and they have been spreading rapidly throughout Europe and other parts of the world ever since. Experts estimate the Asian hornet colonised most of France at a rate of roughly 37 to 50 miles per year.
And the species has swiftly been invading other countries including Spain in 2010, Portugal and Belgium in 2011, Italy in 2012 and Germany in 2014.
The invasive hornets made it to the UK in 2016 – and in December 2019, were first spotted in the U.S. in Washington. Experts are now warning that the species will begin to swarm in spring, as the hornet's life cycle begins in April.
In a new study – published first in the journal NeoBiota – French scientists evaluated the estimated cost of this non-native hornet invasion to the U.S. and Europe. They did so by analysing the negative impact Asian hornets have on ecosystems and the global decline in pollination and honey production. Experts in Washington are calling for people to take action now, so the species can be controlled before it becomes out of hand. READ MORE

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