Tuesday 7 April 2020

In An Amazing Coincidence, The First Reported Case Of Coronavirus In The United States Was In Washington State Mere Miles From Bill Gates Home

New post on Now The End Begins

In An Amazing Coincidence, The First Reported Case Of Coronavirus In The United States Was In Washington State Mere Miles From Bill Gates Home

by Geoffrey Grider

EvergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland, Washington, is at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, due to the fact that the state is home to the largest cluster of COVID-19 patients in the country. Evergreen Health is 10 miles from Bill Gates home in Medina. 

EvergreenHealth hospital in Kirkland, Washington, is at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, due to the fact that the state is home to the largest cluster of COVID-19 patients in the country. Evergreen Health is 10 miles from Bill Gates home in Medina.

Today we build an addition onto the end times rabbit hole that is Bill Gates, the coronavirus, and his demonic frenzy to inject every human on Planet Earth with a vaccine that will be created in one of his 7 vaccine factories, and served with a side order of digital identification from his ID2020 pet project. The first recorded outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus happened in his home state of Washington, and the Evergreen Health Medical facility that's been dubbed the 'epicenter' of the virus in America is 9,9 miles from his literal front porch. Conspiracy theory, much?
Back on January 21, a release on the CDC Newsroom site said this: "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. The patient recently returned from Wuhan, China, where an outbreak of pneumonia caused by this novel coronavirus has been ongoing since December 2019. While originally thought to be spreading from animal-to-person, there are growing indications that limited person-to-person spread is happening. It’s unclear how easily this virus is spreading between people. The patient from Washington with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection returned to the United States from Wuhan on January 15, 2020. The patient sought care at a medical facility in the state of Washington, where the patient was treated for the illness. Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, healthcare professionals suspected this new coronavirus. A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis via CDC’s Real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test." READ MORE
eugenicist-bill-gates-event-201-id2020-national-tracking-system-population-control-eugenics-nazis-microsoftTAKE A TRIP TO THE BILL GATES DARK SIDE, THIS IS WHERE ARE THE BODIES ARE BURIED.
Fast-forward to March 13, and Washington state has become the absolute epicenter of the coronavirus in America, at a hospital that is so close to Bill Gates' magnificent mansion he could walk there. The New York Times said about Evergreen Health Medical "Unlike at any other hospital in the United States, the staff members at the hospital in Kirkland, Wash., have faced the brunt of the rapidly escalating coronavirus outbreak. So far, 65 people who have come through the hospital have tested positive for the virus, a number that grows by the day. Fifteen of them have died, mostly residents of a nearby nursing home devastated by the illness and half the nation’s death toll." READ MORE New York City would go on to vastly surpass Washington as the epicenter just 3 weeks after this article was written, but this is where it all got its start. 9.9 miles from Bill Gates home.
Now it is up to you, our beloved NTEB'ers, to put all these pieces together and draw your own conclusions. Please comment below and keep it clean. Bill Gates calls his massive mansion 'Xanadu', you might want to Google what that means while you're at it.

Go read this New York Times article on the Evergreen Health Medical Center in Washington at the center of the US coronavirus outbreak

FROM THE VERGE: At least 65 patients have arrived at the hospital for treatment, and 15 have died — a number that accounts for half of the death toll in the US so far. The New York Times has an inside look at how EvergreenHealth has had to rapidly adjust to the “new normal,” which includes overworking staff across all departments: sanitation, engineers, and caregivers. Most of the cases the hospital has received appear to be stemming from a nearby nursing home, where some patients are dying from COVID-19 as quickly as hours after being admitted.
Employees are also working to ensure that they are rationing enough supplies to last the pandemic by storing goggles and masks in Tupperware and washing their helmets with bleach wipes instead of regularly replacing them.
The piece is a short read, and it gives an intimate look at how a small hospital in suburban America might be the nation’s “trial run” for how it responds to a pandemic. As the number of coronavirus cases in the US continues to rise, it’s essential to know exactly how health care workers are directly responding to the outbreak and the sacrifices they make to try to save patients and simultaneously contain the virus. READ MORE

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