Thursday 16 April 2020

Dangerous Ground As New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Boasts We Flattened The Curve - 'God Did Not Do That'

Dangerous Ground: NY Gov Boasts We Flattened The Curve - 'God Did Not Do That'
No matter how loudly God speaks, some of our leaders are refusing to acknowledge the total lack of control they have and the puniness of their power.
Nothing New Under The Sun: Drought, Locusts And Plagues
Today, in the year 2020, God's Word continues to speak afresh, reminding us that there is nothing new under the sun. The same challenges that confronted the human race three millennia ago are still confronting us today. And that humbly seeking God remains the ultimate solution.

A Day's Wage For A Loaf Of Bread
The world is at full tilt printing new money to try and solve the crisis. What is happening now is a preview of Revelation 6:6 in which we see massive debt, hyperinflation, incredible wealth gap, and economic depression.
book series
The End: The Book: The Series
The End-of-the-World Series everyone is talking about! "Like Left Behind On Steroids" - View Readers Comments Here

Sanders Supporters Pressure Biden To Move Farther To The Left
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman suggested this week that a dream cabinet for Joe Biden should he win in November would include a rather odd choice for ambassador to the United Nations: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

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