Friday 11 October 2019


Update on Brian

Having been home for ten days Brian has had to go to A&E twice so far this week to deal with the venous ulcer on his left ankle.  Many will know that a small hole appeared on his ankle and this has occasionally been squirting blood, and is rather sloughy.

He is discussing the latest condition and 'what to do with this hole' on the phone with a specialist later today (Thursday - A stitch may be needed.)

A District Nurse comes in every other day to redo the dressings for the ulcers on his legs.  Thank you for your continued prayers about this.

However the wonderful news is that the extremely painful ulcer on his left foot is now completely healed.  This was partly due to the work done on the foot while removing the toes. We are so glad to see that dealt with, and the pain gone!  Hallelujah!

The special slippers (that put his weight onto his heels) are still working very well, and he is able to move around fairly well (and fast!) with a frame.  A wheelchair is still used for longer distances.

The right leg and ulcer are continuing to improve with the compression that has been applied.  A full specialist review of both legs and the remaining ulcers is scheduled for 18th November.  He could still be called back sometime for balloon angioplasty.

Brian is aiming to be (for the whole week) with those going to the Matlock Conference at the end of November, and he also has his first speaking engagement for a while at the Watchorn Church in Alfreton next Sunday morning.  Please pray for him concerning this - for strength for him and that the message he has for them will be clear and well received.  Thank you very much.

Brian and Gilly send all their love.

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