Sunday 13 October 2019

Just In Time For Halloween, The Satanic Temple Opens New Headquarters In Salem Massachusetts With Massive Statue Of Baphomet Greeting Visitors

New post on Now The End Begins

Just In Time For Halloween, The Satanic Temple Opens New Headquarters In Salem Massachusetts With Massive Statue Of Baphomet Greeting Visitors

by Geoffrey Grider

Inside The Satanic Temple’s Salem headquarters

The Satanic Temple opens new headquarters in Salem just in time to celebrate Halloween

America has existed since 1776, and never at any time did satanism or anything connected with the Devil become a visible, open segment of our society. For 243 years we have resisted Satan and rightly consigned things connected with him to the outskirts of society. This is not the case in 2019. Now we see groups like The Satanic Temple not only operating openly, but registered with the United States government as an officially-recognized 'tax-exempt church'.
"...but this is your hour, and the power of darkness." Luke 22:53 (KJV)
How did we get to this point? Well, one of the main ways we got here was in the promotion of Halloween to multiple generations of impressionable young children. All those cute, little costumes dripping with fake blood and rubber knives that we applaud as we hand them candy. Yeah, now we have a generation of adults who are taking that to its logical conclusion, the open celebration of satanism.
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44 (KJV)
The other way we arrived at this point is because, as we have said repeatedly, it appears that God's protective Hand is being removed from America, and wickedness is being allowed to rise dramatically. Mass shootings have risen 10-fold, thousands of babies aborted each month, Sunday sports replacing Sunday worship of the One True God of Abraham, this is how we got here. We have been shouting at God to leave us alone ever since the wicked 1960's, and we have reached the point where He is answering that request. Think about that, Christian, as you yet again defend your celebration of Halloween, the Devil's holiday.

Inside The Satanic Temple’s Salem headquarters

FROM THE BOSTON HERALD: The Track went behind the scenes to get a glimpse at the group’s local headquarters and see what life’s like for the Satanists next door.
“When we first got here, I was concerned about revealing our presence, that there might be an angry mob with pitchforks and torches,” co-founder Lucien Greaves told the Track of the house on Bridge Street. “But we did an open house and invited neighbors to come and sit down and chat with us. We answered any of their questions, in case they were concerned.”
Amid the witchy hoopla of downtown Salem, the international headquarters of The Satanic Temple occupies an antique home that — save for a facade of pitch-black clapboard — looks unassuming. On the front porch hangs a wreath of kindling in the shape of a goat head. Inside, it’s every goth teen’s Victorian dream home. A grand yet chilling staircase stands in the entryway, off of which branch rich rooms decorated with elegantly creepy touches like heavy, dark carved woodwork, velvet damask wallpaper and glass display cases filled with twisted artifacts.
Unlike any fixer-upper you might see on HGTV, the temple’s notorious Baphomet statue dominates the main sitting room. Unsurprisingly, the house once served as a funeral home.
Besides providing office space for The Satanic Temple, the building doubles as an art gallery and often opens its doors for intellectual events, including scholarly presentations from professors and film screenings. The Satanists throw dinner parties catered by Adam Dodge, aka the Satanic Chef, hold candle-making classes, and have lively discourse over tea. Yes, tea.
SALEM, MA: September 27, 2019: Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple in Salem, Massachusetts. (Staff photo By Nicolaus Czarnecki/MediaNews Group/Boston Herald)
SALEM, MA: September 27, 2019: Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple in Salem, Massachusetts
As a tax-exempt church — a federal designation it received in April — they do host weekly, nontheistic, nonsupernatural services at the Temple. “Pretty much in line with our anti-authoritarian values, the services themselves are usually more like guided open discussions with people,” Greaves explained.
Also to be expected, the activist said the property has “an excess of security,” a precaution they took when they moved there in 2015 given the nature of their avocation. As seen in the recent Penny Lane documentary about the org, “Hail Satan?” — the locally based Satanists previously garnered a crowd of opposition in the Bay State in 2014, when Catholics and the Archdiocese of Boston protested their attempt to hold a Black Mass at Harvard University, Greaves’ alma mater. The group, which asserts it doesn’t worship the devil but rather revere Satan as a metaphor for humanistic values and the ultimate rebel against tyranny, has also ruffled feathers nationally with its bold, sometimes vulgar political demonstrations on issues like separation of church and state, religious pluralism and reproductive rights.
“So far, only one guy ever came with a sharpened screwdriver wanting to stab me,” Greaves said, later showing us a recent death threat from Arkansas, where the Satanists are still suing to have their Baphomet placed next to the Ten Commandments statue in front of the State Capitol. “The only other time we really ever had anything worth mentioning was a group of ladies — from I assume some church — walking around the house, chanting, throwing holy oil on it,” he added chuckling. “If it had been holy water, that would have been fine. But oil stained the siding. We’ve painted it since, but it was like, ‘Why oil? Why oil?’ ” READ MORE

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