The Law is only a Shadow of the Good Things that are Coming.
A model of the Rapture in Exodus.
For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). In the Old Testament there are numerous models of the Messiah, and in this way the priests and prophets came to understand something of His Nature. The increased knowledge resulting from Messiah’s actual visitation raised by magnitudes the importance of these Old Testament models.
New Testament students who ignore the Old often come away with a view of Jesus barely sufficient to address the problems confronting us today; a sandal-shod social worker who walked the shores of Galilee patting little children on the head and advising everyone to turn the other cheek. The real Jesus leaps off the pages of the Old Testament through the various Models of the Messiah with power and authority.
MOSES AND THE MESSIAH. Moses not only acted out several of
these models in events like the smitten rock (Exodus
17 & Numbers 20)
and the bronze serpent (Numbers 21:4-9 & John 3:14),
he actually was one. In addition to the parallels between the beginnings of the
Dispensation of the Law and the Dispensation of Grace, the similar manner in
which these two leaders came into the world is also striking.
Both mothers received supernatural indications that their yet
unborn children would redeem their people. Both children were in mortal danger
at the moment of birth and both parents sought protection in Egypt. Both later
left their place of refuge to assume leadership of their people.
As Moses spent 40 years in the desert of Midian, Jesus spent 40
days in the wilderness of Judea. As Moses led his people out of the bondage of
Egypt into a new life in the Promised Land, Jesus will lead His people out of
the bondage of sin into a new life in Heaven. As the people of Moses were
protected in Goshen while the plagues of Exodus destroyed Egypt, the people of
Jesus will be protected in Heaven as the plagues of Revelation destroy Earth.
As Moses was the mediator for his people, bringing them into a
covenant relationship with God, Jesus is the mediator for His people bringing
them into a new and better covenant. As the people of Moses wandered in the
wilderness for 40 years, the people of Jesus have wandered on the earth for 40
jubilees (a jubilee is a 50-year period). As the people of Moses were
supernaturally fed and clothed physically during their sojourn in the
wilderness (Deut 29:5 & Exodus 16), the people of Jesus have
been supernaturally fed and clothed spiritually during their sojourn on Earth
(John 6:35 & Isa 61:10).
As Moses brought forth the Nation of Israel into their new life from the waters of the Red Sea, Jesus brings us forth into our new life from the waters of our baptism. As the law was given through Moses on the 6th day of Sivan (Feast of Shavuot in Hebrew) initiating the Dispensation of Law, the Holy Spirit was given through Jesus on the 6th day of Sivan (Feast of Pentecost in Greek) initiating the dispensation of Grace.As the Lord told Moses to consecrate his people and at the sound of the loud voice and trumpet go up to meet Him on the mountain top, He told Jesus to consecrate His people and at the sound of the loud voice and trumpet go up to meet Him in the air. FULL ARTICLE AT:
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