Thursday, 14 April 2022

The End Times Forecaster With - "Claim: Israel Will Cease to Exist on July 8, 2022" HA HA FOR THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!

 Claim: Israel Will Cease to Exist on July 8, 2022 

A Muslim cleric is claiming that according to his koran calculations, Israel will cease to exist on July 8, 2022. Along with that Muslims are being called upon to help bring this to pass. (HT Karen)

 That is an interesting development, and let’s keep in mind what is also supposed to happen in July in Israel—“god” will return to the Temple Mount. 

A man named Gary Parker is claiming that he has found a message left by god in the desert sands next to the Great Giza Pyramid and part of the message contains a date—July 26, 2022. He goes on to further claim that this is the date that god will return to Jerusalem.  

“An alien visitation on July 26th 2016 changed everything; the being spoke telepathically. All answers are in the NASA photo and this is where his story begins: aliens return to Earth July 26th, 2022, in Jerusalem, at the Temple Mount.”  


Of course we know that aliens are demons so, his message boils down to; demons told him that a demon posing as “god” will return to Jerusalem on July 26, 2022. Is this true, will it happen? Your guess is as good as mine, but if it does occur it may tie into the first of the two messiahs that a Rabbi is claiming will appear this year—the fighting messiah. 

“…so most of the commentaries say that there’s of course two messiahs. There’s the messiah, the son of joseph who fights the battles – who’s the physical side of the redemption of the Jewish people and that happens during the seventh year – wars, etc. And then after the seventh year is over the beginning of the eighth year, that is the Messiah of David.”  


So, what if Israel suffers a great defeat and ceases to exist as a nation on July 8, 2022 and what if the first messiah comes back 18 (6+6+6) days later on July 26, 2022 and fights for Israel and gives them a great victory. And what if the second messiah shows up in late 2022 or early 2023 as they say will occur? 

If those events occur, what would they infer regarding an end times chronology? Realizing that the false messiah antichrist will take over the world at the midpoint of the last 7 years and realizing that the rapture will not occur until after the antichrist takes over the world, would infer that a lot of people have made some major mistakes in their end times theology. 


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