Tuesday, 29 March 2022

No Easy Task - US Military Forces Cannot Fight On Two Fronts - Plus More From PNW



No Easy Task - US Military Forces Cannot Fight On Two Fronts
The current war in Ukraine and Russia's threatening actions toward NATO countries coupled with a rising China in Asia highlights a strategic pickle for the United States--the need to be able to deter or potentially fight two major adversaries in two very different regions of the world at the same time.
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Welcome To The Big Apple: People Of Faith Need Not Apply
Of all of Mayor Eric Adams's picks, she was the perfect candidate for his Panel on Educational Policy. A retired teacher, assistant principal, and field supervisor with more than 30 years of experience in NYC schools, Barrett-Layne had one glaring problem: she's an orthodox Christian.
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Biden's Nuclear Deal With Iran - From Bad To Worse
By every indication, the Biden Administration appears to have given away the store. The administration appears to have agreed to lift sanctions that were not even placed on Iran for its nuclear activities in the first place, but instead because of its ongoing support for terrorism and its gross abuses of human rights.
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Most Americans Believe Nation's Moral Compass Is Pointing In Wrong Direction
According to a brand new survey that was just released, 72 percent of Americans believe that "the nation's moral compass is pointed in the wrong direction". What used to be "wrong" is now called "right", and what used to be "right" is now called "wrong".
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